GOLDSHEET Mining Directory - Companies B
CompaniesA | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | QR | S | T | UV | WZ
SectorsAustralia | Diamonds | London listed | Mutual Funds | South Africa | Uranium
MetalsAluminum | Cobalt | Copper | Iron | Moly | Nickel | Lead | Lithium | PGMS | Silver | Tin | Zinc
InfoHistory | Obsolete Shares | Organizations | Prospecting | Publications | Quotes | Services
COINSHEETA-B | C | D-G | H-L | M-N | O-Q | R-S | T-Z | Banks/Mints | State Quarters | President $ | Clubs
OILSHEETA-B | C-D | E-F | G-K | L-N | O-P | Q-S | T-Z | Associations/Government | Services
US listed
UK Listed
GOLDSHEET Mining Directory COINSHEET Numismatic Directory OILSHEET Energy Directory

B2Gold [TSX:BTO] - Gold and precious metal properties in Colombia and Far East Russia
BAIE Minerals [private] - Resource development company committed to responsible mine site reclamation and resource extraction/mineral development
BBX Minerals is now Brazillian Critical Minerals
BC Moly (was Columbia Yukon Explorations) [TSX-V:BM-H] - Storie molybdenum deposit in northern British Columbia, Canada.
BCI Minerals (was BCI Iron) [ASX:BCI] - Nullagine Project located in the Pilbara region of Western Australia
BCGold [TSX-V:BCG] - British Columbia and Yukon properties
BCM Resources [TSX-V:B] - British Columbia molybdenum properties
BHP [NYSE:BHP] - Website for the merger BHP Limited and Billiton plc, one of the world's largest diversified resource companies
BMEX Gold [TSX-V:BMEX] - King Tut Property and Dunlop Bay Property, Quebec, Canada.
BPM Minerals [ASX:BPM] - Western Australian projects
BRGM France's leading specialist in the surface and subsurface geosciences. Mining activities are carried out by companies specialized in gold, industrial minerals and base metals within the LaSource Companie mini�re Group
BRS Resources [CSE:BRS] - Cowtrail Gold-Copper Mining Project
BTU Metals [TSX-V:BTU] - Dixie Halo gold project in Ontario's Red Lake district
BWR Exploration [TSX-V:BWR] - Little Stull Lake Gold Project, Manitoba.\
Bacanora Lithium was acquired by Ganfeng Lithium
Bactech Environmental [CSE:BAC] - Owns proprietary bacterial oxidation technology that liberates precious and base metals from difficult to treat sulphides ores and concentrates
Badlands Resources (was Mineral Mountain Resources) [TSX-V:BLDS] - Homestake Gold Belt, South Dakota
Baffinland Iron Mines [Owned 50 % by ArcelorMittal and 50 % by Iron Ore Holdings LP] - Mary River iron ore deposits, Baffin Island, Nunavut Territory, Canada
Bald Eagle Gold is now Hercules Metals
Baldota Group - Gold and iron ore in India
Balkan Mining & Minerals [ASX:BMM] - Rekovac Lithium Project, located in Serbia
Ballymore Resources [ASX:BMR] - Queensland based exploration and development company
Balmoral Resources was acquired by Wallbridge Mining
Bam Bam Resources became Majuba Hill Copper, now Giant Mining
Band Ore Resources merged with Sydney Resource to form West Timmins Mining, became Lake Shore Gold, acquired by Tahoe Resources, acquired by Pan American Silver
Bandera Gold is now Jaeger Resources
Bankers Cobalt became Central African Gold, now African Energy Metals
Bannerman Energy [ASX:BMN] - Agreement to acquire the majority rights to a major uranium exploration portfolio situated in the Southern African nation of Namibia.
Banyan Gold [TSX-V:BYN] - Hyland Gold project in the Yukon Territory
Baobab Steel [LSE:BAO] - Mozambique
Bardoc Gold was acquired by St Barbara
Barisan Gold became Lithion Energy, now Queen's Road Capital Investment
Barkerville Gold Mines was acquired by Osisko Gold Royalties
Barksdale Resources [TSX-V:BRO] - Advanced Precious & Base Metals Exploration in Arizona
Baroyeca Gold & Silver [TSX-V:BGS] - Mexico
Barra Resources became Greenstone Resources Limited, now Horizon Minerals
Barranco Resources [unlisted] - Exploration projects in Western Australia
Barrian Mining became New Placer Dome, then acquired by CopAur Minerals
Barrick Gold [NYSE:GOLD] - Major gold miner. Acquisitions include Homestake Mining (2002), Placer Dome (2006), Equinox Minerals (2011), and Randgold (2018)
Barsele Minerals merged with Gold Line Resources to form First Nordic Metals
Barton Gold Holdings [ASX:BDG] - Gawler Craton of South Australia
Baru Gold (was East Asia Minerals) [TSX-V:BARU] - Focused on developing and producing precious metals projects in Indonesia
Base Resources [ASX:BSE] - Toliara Sands Project in Madagascar
BaseCore Metals - Independent 50/50 joint venture between Sandstorm Gold and Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan Board is the leading base metals focused streaming and royalty company
Baselode Energy [TSX-V:FIND] - Saskatchewan-focused uranium explorer
Basin Minerals Limited (formerly Craton Resources) was acquired by Iluka Resources Limited
Basin Uranium (was Black Shield Metals) [CSE:NCLR] - Saskatchewan, South Dakota, and Utah
Bass Metals is now Greenwing Resources
Bassari Resources [ASX:delisted] - Senegal
Batero Gold [TSX-V:BAT] - Precious and base metals exploration in the Mid-Cauca porphyry gold and copper belt, Quinchia district, Colombia
Bathurst Resources [ASX:BRL] - New Zealand
Bastion Minerals [ASX:BMO] - Focused on exploring for high-grade Gold and Copper in Chile
Battery Age Minerals [ASX:BM8] - Falcon Lake Lithium Project located in Ontario, Canada.
Battery X Metals (was Straightup Resources) [CSE:BATX] - Exploration, acquisition, production and recycling of critical minerals and precious metals in North America
Battle Mountain Gold was acquired by Newmont
Battle North Gold (was Rubicon Minerals) was acquired by Evolution Mining
Bauba Resources [private] - Chrome operations and development of the Bauba Platinum Project.
Bauxite Resources is now Australian Silica Quartz Group
Bayfield Ventures was acquired by New Gold
Bayhorse Silver [TSX-V:BHS] - New Zealand gold prospects
Baymag Mines - Large producer of high grade magnesium oxide
Bayridge Resources [CSE:BYRG] - Uranium in Saskatchewan and Lithium in Ontario
Bayrock Resources - Northern Nickel Line Project in Sweden
bcMetals was acquired by Imperial Metals
Beacon Minerals [ASX:BCN] - Copper-gold-molybdenum in Queensland and gold and nickel in Western Australia
Beadell Resources was acquied by Great Panther Mining
Bedford Metals (was Academy Metals) [TSX-V:BFM] - Margurete Gold Project (British Columbia) and Ubiquity Lake Uranium Project (Athabasca Basin)
Beatrix Mines Limited is now 100% owned by Gold Fields Limited
Beaufield Resources was acquired by Osisko Mining
Bear Creek Mining [TSX-V:BCM] - Peru exploration
Bear Lake Gold was acquired by Kerr Mines, became Arizona Gold, now Sabre Gold Mines
Bearing Lithium was acquired by Lithium Power International (Effective December 22, 2022)
Beauce Gold Fields [TSX-V:BGF] - Gold in the Beauce region of Southern Quebec
Beaufield Resources was acquired by Osisko Mining
Belararox [ASX:BRX] - Focused on securing and developing resources to meet the surge in demand from the technology, battery and renewable energy markets
Bell Coast Capital became Uranium Power, then Titan Uranium which was acquired by Energy Fuels
Bell Copper [TSX-V:BCU] - Focused on the development to production of the La Balsa copper mine in Michoacan, Mexico & the Granduc copper mine in British Columbia, Canada
Bellavista Resources [ASX:BVR] - Base metal and battery mineral deposits in Western Australia
Bellevue Gold [ASX:BGL] - Advancing the historic Bellevue Gold Mine in Western Australia./
Bellhaven Copper & Gold was acquired by GoldMining Inc.
Belmont Resources [TSX-V:BEA] - Ontario projects
Belo Sun Mining [TSX:BSX] - Volta Grande Gold Project, Brazil, (was Verena Minerals)
Bema Gold was acquired by Kinross Gold
BeMetals Corp [TSX-V:BMET] - Pangeni Copper Project in Zambia
Benchmark Metals has merged with Thesis Gold
Bendito Resources [private] - Diversified project portfolio in Mexico
Benguet Corporation - A pioneer mining company in the Philippines, which started mining gold in 1903, chromite in 1934 and copper in 1971
Benjamin Hill Mining (was Mojave Gold) is now Forge Resources
Benton Resources [TSX-V:BTC] - Ontario properties
Benz Mining [TSX-V:BZ] - Focused on advancing its projects located in the Americas
Beowulf Mining plc [LSE:BEM] - Gold Exploration in Sweden.
Berkeley Energia [ASX:BKY] - Salamanca uranium project in Spain.
Berkwood Resources became Goldcore Resources, now Green Battery Minerals
Besra Gold [TSX:BEZ] - Leading producer of gold in Vietnam (was Olympus Pacific Minerals)
Bessor Minerals (was Troymet Exploration) [TSX-V:BST-H] - Golden Eagle gold-silver and Redhill VMS-gold projects in British Columbia
Beta Minerals was acquired by Erdene Resource Development
Beyond Lithium [CSE:BY] - Largest greenfield lithium exploration player in Ontario, Canada
Bezant Resources [LSE:BZT] - Projects in the Philippines and Tanzania
Big Gold [CSE:BG] - Martin Kenty Project in the Kenora/Rainy River Mining District, Ontario
Big North Graphite became CobalTech Mining, acquired First Cobalt, now Electra Battery Materials
Big Red Mining [CSE:RED] - Copper exploration in Ontario, Canada
Big Ridge Gold (was Alto Ventures) [TSX-V:BRAU] - Gold in n Quebec, Manitoba and Ontario
Big River Gold (was Crusader Resources) was acquired by Aura Minerals
Billiton Plc merger with BHP Limited to form BHP
Binani Industries [Bombay:BINANIZINC] - Binani Zinc is the pioneer in the manufacture of high grade electrolytic zinc in India since 1967.
Bindi Metals [ASX:BIM] - Biloela copper-gold Project
Bird River Resources [CSE:BDR] - Manitoba
Birim Goldfields merged with Goldcrest Resources to form Volta Resources, acquired by B2Gold
Birimian became Mali Lithium, now is now Firefinch
Birla Copper [Hindalco's copper division] - Smelting and Refining complex at Dahej in Bharuch district of Gujarat, India
Bishop Gold became First Pursuit Ventures, became Silver Pursuit Resources is now Golden Pursuit Resources
Bitterroot Resources [TSX-V:BTT] - Multi-commodity, North American exploration exposure
Black Canyon [ASX:BCA] -Acquiring, exploring and developing mineral deposits in Australia and overseas, with a recent focus on base metals.
Black Cat Syndicate [ASX:BC8] - Bulong Gold Field, Kalgoorlie, Western Australia
Black Dragon Gold [ASX:BDG] - Salave gold project in the Asturias region of Spain
Black Hawk Mining merged with Glencairn Gold, became Central Sun Mining, acquired by Linear Gold who merged with Apollo Gold to form Brigus Gold, acquired by Primero Mining, which was acquired by First Majestic Silver
Black Iron [TSX:BKI] - Shymanivske Project located in Krivoy Rog, Ukraine
Black Mammoth Metals [TSX-V:BMM] - Blanco Creek Gold Property, Idaho
Black Mountain Resources became Hipo Resources, now QX Resources
Black Range Minerals was acquired by Western Uranium
Black Rock Mining [ASX:BKT] - Graphite at Mahenge, Tanzania
Black Sea Copper & Gold became QX Metals, now Gold Bull Resources
Black Shield Metals is now Basin Uranium
Black Tusk Resources is now Q Battery Metals
Black Widow Resources is now BWR Exploration
BlackEarth Minerals is now Evion Group
Blackham Resources is now Wiluna Mining
Blackrock Silver [TSX-V:BRC] - Tonopah West project, Nevada
Blackstone Minerals [ASX:BSX] -
Blackstone Resources AG [Swiss:BLS] - Acquiring licenses in the fields of lithium, graphite, cobalt, molybdenum, copper, gold and rare earths.
Blackthorn Resources was acquired by Intrepid Mines which merged with AIC Resources to form AIC Mines
Blackwolf Copper and Gold (was Heatherdale Resources) [TSX-V:BWCG] - Niblack Copper-Gold-Silver-Zinc Project, Alaska
Blaze International [ASX:BLZ] - Barkly Copper-Gold Project in the Northern Territory, Australia
Blencowe Resources PLC [LSE:BRES] - Orom-Cross Graphite Project, northern Uganda
Blende Silver (was Blind Creek Resources) [TSX-V:BAG] - Focused on Ag-Zn-Pb exploration and development in the Yukon
Bligh Resources was acquired by Saracen Mineral Holdings, now Northern Star
Blina Diamonds becamee Blina Minerals, now Tennant Minerals
Blind Creek Resources is now Blende Silver
Blue Gold Mining was acquired by Riverstone Resources, which True Gold Mining, now Endeavour Mining
Blue Lagoon Resources [CSE:BLLG] - Gordon Lake, Pellaire and Golden Wonder projects
Blue Moon Mining [TSX-V:MOON] - Blue Moon zinc project, Mariposa County, California
Blue Pearl Mining became Thompson Creek Metals, acquired by Centerra Gold
Blue River Resources [TSX-V:BXR] - Focused on discovering large copper deposits in the Princeton area of British Columbia
Blue Sky Uranium [TSX-V:BSK] - Athabasca Basin in Northern Saskatchewan, and the Patagonia region of Argentina
Blue Star Gold (was WPC Resources) [TSX-V:BAU] - Mineral projects located in the northern territory of Nunavut, Canada
Blue Thunder Mining [TSX-V:BLUE] - Acquisition, exploration and development of mineral properties in Canada.
BlueBird Battery Metals (was Golden Peak Minerals) is now Huntsman Exploration
BlueBird Merchant Ventures [LSE:BMV] - Reopening old gold mines in South Korea
Bluejay Mining plc [LSE:JAY] - Dundas Ilmenite Titanium Project in Greenland, Outokumpu Copper Project in Finland, and Disko-Nuussuaq Nickel-Copper-Platinum-Cobalt in Greenland
Bluelake Mineral (was Nickel Mountain Resources) [NGM:BLUE] -Copper, gold, nickel, and zinc in the Nordic region
Bluestone Resources [TSX-V:BSR] - Cerro Blanco Gold & Mita Geothermal Projects in Guatemala
Bluestone Tin is now Metals X Limited
Blyvoor Gold [private] - Gold mining company that is investing in the reconstruction and mining of the Blyvoor Gold Mine
Blyvooruitzicht Gold Mining was acquired by DRDGOLD
Boab Metals (was Pacifico Minerals) [ASX:BML] - Lead-silver-zinc Project in Western Australia
Boadicea Resources [ASX:BOA] - The Fraser Range and Paterson Province (Western Australia) and Charters Towers region and Drummond Basin (Queensland)
Boart Longyear [ASX:BLY] - Serving the mining and drilling industry since 1890
Bocana Resources [TSX-V:BOCA] - Developing South American Gold & Silver Assets
Bold Ventures [TSX-V:BOL] - Base metals exploration program in the Ring of Fire area of Northern Ontario
Bolero Resources is now Canada Carbon
Boliden [Stockholm:BOL] - Metal mining, principally zinc, copper and gold, with operations in Sweden, Norway, Spain, Saudi Arabia, Chile and Canada
Bolivar Gold was acquired by Goldfields
Bolnisi Gold NL was acqurired by Coeur d’Alene Mines
Bolt Metals (was Pacific Rim Cobalt) [CSE:BOLT] - Nickel and cobalt in Indonesia
Bonaventure Enterprises is now Iconic Minerals
Bonavista Resources became Burin Gold, now Infinico Metals
Bonanza Goldfields [OTC:BONZ] - Black Rock and Midas gold placer projects in Arizona and Zuna gold/silver project, Jalisco state, Mexico
Bond Resources [CSE:BJB] - Mary K mine near Elk City, Idaho.
Bonterra Resources [TSX-V:BTR] - Willoughby gold-silver property and Symphony rare earth property, British Columbia, Canada
Booker Gold Explorations is now Pacific Booker Minerals
Boreal Metals is now Norden Crown Metals
Borealis Mining [TSX-V:BOGO] - Nevada
Boron One (was Erin Ventures) [TSX-V:BONE] - Piskanja in Serbia
Boroo Mining [private] - Producing and development mining assets in two continents, Central Asia and South America.
Boss Power is now Eros Resources
Boss Energy [ASX:BOE] - Honeymoon Uranium Project, South Australia
Botnia Exploration Limited [Stockholm:BOTX] - Focusing on gold in Sweden and the Nordic countries
Botswana Diamonds plc [LSE:BOD] - Exploring for diamonds in the Orapa area of Botswana, in Zimbabwe and the DRC
Botswana Metals is now Six Sigma Metals
Bougainville Copper [ASX:BOC] - Produced copper in Papua New Guinea from 1972 until operations were suspended due to militant activity in May 1989
Boulder Mining is now Opal Energy
Boundary Gold and Copper Mining (was Prize Mining) [TSX-V:BDGC] - Manto Negro Oxide Copper Project in Mexico
Bowmore Exploration is now Osisko Metals
Boxxer Gold is now ExGen Resources
Bradda Head Lithium [LSE:BHL] - Projects in Arizona and Nevada, USA
Braemore Resources was acquired by Jubilee Platinum plc
Bralorne Gold Mines was acquired by Avino Silver & Gold Mines
Brandrill was acquired by Ausdrill
Brascan Resources is now Nordique Resources
Bravada Gold Corporation [TSX-V:BVA] - Exploring the prolific Battle Mountain-Eureka gold trend, Nevada, U.S.A
Braveheart Resources [TSX-V:BHT] - Exploration in the mining jurisdiction of the West Kootenays in southeast British Columbia (silver and gold)
Bravo Mining (formerly BPG Metals) [TSX-V:BRVO] - Luanga Project (palladium, platinum, rhodium, gold and nickel) in Brazil.
Brazauro Resources was acquired by Eldorado Gold
Brazil Minerals is now Atlas Lithium
Brazil Resources is now GoldMining
Brazillian Critical Minerals (was BBX Minerals) [ASX:BCM] -
Brazilian Diamonds is now Kincora Copper
Brazilian Metals Group [ASX:BMG] - Rio Pardo Iron Ore project in Brazil (formerly Lefroy Resources Limited)
Brazilian Nickel PLC [private] - Piau� Nickel Project
Brazilian Rare Earths [ASX:BRE] - Rocha da Rocha Critical Minerals Province
BrazMin is now Talon Metals
Breakaway Resources became Minotaur Exploration was acquired by Andromeda Metals
Breaker Resources was acquired by Ramelius Resources
Breakwater Resources was acquired by Nyrstar
Brett Resources was acquired by Osisko Gold Royalties
Bridgeport Ventures became Premier Royalty Corporation, and was acquired by Sandstorm Gold
Brightstar Resources (was Stone Resources) [ASX:BTR] - Gold development company based in the Laverton region of Western Australia
Brigus Gold was acquired by Primero Mining was acquired by First Majestic Silver
Brio Gold was acquired by Leagold, then acquired by Equinox Gold
British Lithium - Holds exploration rights over much of Cornwall and Devon's most prospective ground
Brixton Metals Corporation [TSX-V:BBB] - Exploration portfolio comprises two precious and base metal properties: Kahilt (Alaska) and Thorn (British Columbia)
Brockman Mining [ASX:BCK] - Iron ore in the Pilbara region
Broken Hill Prospecting is now American Rare Earths
Brumby Resources became Marindi Metals, became Firefly Resources merged with Gascoyne Resources, now Spartan Resources
Brunswick Exploration [TSX-V:BRW] -Exploration for metals necessary to decarbonization and energy transition with a particular focus on lithium, tin, nickel and copper
Bryah Resources [ASX:BYH] - Bryah Basin and Gabanintha in the Meekatharra region of Western Australia
Bubalus Resources [ASX:BUS] - Northern Territory and Western Australia.
Buccaneer Gold delisted
Buchans Minerals was acquired by Minco plc
Buck Lake Ventures became Ultra Resources, now Empire Metals
Bucyrus International was acquired by Caterpillar
Buenaventura [NYSE:BVN] - Peru�s largest publicly traded precious metals company
Buffelsfontein Gold Mines is now part of DRD Gold
Bullabulling Gold became Norton Goldfields, acquired by Zinjin Mining Group
Bulletin Resources [ASX:BNR] - Nicholson's Gold Project in the Kimberley Region of WA
Bullion Gold Resources [TSX-V:BGD] - Exploration and development in Northern Quebec, Canada.
Bullfrog Gold is now Augusta Gold
Bullion Minerals Limited became Uranium Equities, now Devex Resources
Bullion Monarch Mining was acquired by Eurasian Minerals, now EMX Royalty
Bumi Resources Minerals Tbk [Jakarta:BRMS] - PT Citra Palu Minerals (Gold and Molybednum)
Bunker Hill Mining [CSE:BNKR] - Bunker Hill Zinc, Lead, Silver Mine, Idaho, USA.
Burdekin Pacific became Redbank Mines, then Redbank Copper, now NT Minerals
Burey Gold is now Amani Gold
Burley Minerals [ASX:BUR] - Yerecoin Project, Western Australia
Burgundy Diamond Mines (was EHR Resources) [ASX:BDM] - Identify incomplete evaluation programs on promising discoveries in Canada, Botswana, Australia
Burin Gold (was Bonavista Resources) is now Infinico Metals
Burrell Resources [CSE:BURY] - Gold exploration portfolio in northeastern Nevada, USA.
Buscando Resources [CSE:BRCO] - Rupert Property on northern Vancouver Island, British Columbia.
Bushveld Minerals [LSE:BMN] - Vanadium producer
Buxton Resources [ASX:BUX] - Copper, zinc, nickel, and gold in the Goldfields and Pilbara regions

GOLDSHEET Mining Directory - Companies B
CompaniesA | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q-R | S | T | U-V | W-Z
SectorsAustralia | Diamonds | London listed | Mutual Funds | South Africa | Uranium
MetalsAluminum | Cobalt | Copper | Iron | Moly | Nickel | Lead | PGMs | Silver | Tin | Zinc
InfoHistory | Mutual Funds | Obsolete | Organizations | Prospecting | Publications | Quotes | Services
COINSHEET Index | A-B | C | D-G | H-L | M-N | O-Q | R-S | T-Z | Banks/Mints | State Quarters |
OILSHEETIndex | A-B | C-D | E-F | G-K | L-N | O-P | Q-S | T-Z | Assoc/Govt
Comments Host: 1&1 IONOSCOPYRIGHT 1995-2024Updated 21 October 2024
GOLDSHEET Mining Directory COINSHEET Numismatic DirectoryOILSHEET Energy Directory