GOLDSHEET Mining Directory - Companies C
CompaniesA | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | QR | S | T | UV | WZ
SectorsAustralia | Diamonds | London listed | Mutual Funds | South Africa | Uranium
MetalsAluminum | Cobalt | Copper | Iron | Moly | Nickel | Lead | Lithium | PGMS | Silver | Tin | Zinc
InfoHistory | Obsolete Shares | Organizations | Prospecting | Publications | Quotes | Services
COINSHEETA-B | C | D-G | H-L | M-N | O-Q | R-S | T-Z | Banks/Mints | State Quarters | President $ | Clubs
OILSHEETA-B | C-D | E-F | G-K | L-N | O-P | Q-S | T-Z | Associations/Government | Services
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GOLDSHEET Mining Directory COINSHEET Numismatic Directory OILSHEET Energy Directory

C29 Metals [ASX:C29] - Copper in Australia.
C2C Metals [CSE:CTOC] - Central Gold Belt of Newfoundland
C3 Metals (was Carube Copper) [TSX-V:CCCM] - Focussed on the discovery of large copper projects in Peru
CAT Strategic Metals Corporation (was Chimata Gold) [CSE:CAT] - British Columbia, Quebec, and Zimbabwe
CAVU Energy Metals was acquired by Alpha Copper
CBH Resources was acquired by Toho Zinc
CBLT [TSX-V:CBLT] - Targeting Cobalt in ethical traceable mining jurisdictions
CBR Gold became Niblack Mineral Development, became Heatherdale Resources, now Blackwolf Copper and Gold
CDN Maverick Capital [CSE:CDN] - Projects in Nevada, USA and Quebec, Canada
CEMIN Holding Minero - Medium-sized mining company dedicated to the extraction and processing of copper and gold in Chile. Created in 1982, it has operations in Catemu, Pullally and Domeyko.
CGA Mining was acquired by B2Gold
CGN Resources [ASX:CGR] - West Arunta Region of Western Australia
CGrowth Capital [OTC:CGRA] -
CKR Carbon is now Gratomic
CMC Metals [TSX-V:CMB] - Silver, lead, amd zinc in Yukon
CMX Gold & Silver [CSE:CXC] - Clayton Silver Property in southeastern Idaho
CZR Resources (was Corizon Resources) [ASX:CZR] - Iron ore project in Western Sumatra, Indonesia
Cabo Drilling [TSX-V:CBE] - Drilling services provider serving the mining and exploration industries
Cabral Gold [TSX-V:CBR] - Cui� Cui� Gold Project in Brazil
Cache Exploration [TSX-V:CAY] - Exploring for Near-Surface Gold in Nunavut
Cadan Resources is now Rizal Resources
Cadence Minerals [LSE:KDNC] - Iron ore and lithium deposits
Cadillac Mining was acquired by Pilot Gold, now Liberty Gold
Cadillac Ventures [TSX-V:CDC] - Thierry Property located outside of Pickle Lake in NW Ontario
Cadiscor Resources was acquired by North American Palladium, now Implats
Caeneus Minerals is now Mantle Minerals
Caldas Gold became Aris Gold, now Aris Mining
Caledonia Mining plc [LSE:CMCL] - Diversified portfolio of properties in Southern Africa and Canada.
Calibre Mining [TSX:CXB] - Nicaragua
Calico Resources was acquired by Paramount Gold Nevada
Calidus Resources [ASX:CAI] - Warrawoona Gold Project in the Pilbara Goldfield in Western Australia
California Gold Mining (was Upper Canada Gold) was acquired by Stratabound Minerals
Callinan Royalties was acquired by Altius Minerals
Callinex Mines [TSX-V:CNX] -Base and precious metals exploration properties in Manitoba and British Columbia
Calypso Uranium was acquired by U3O8 Corp, now Green Shift Commodities
Cambiex Exploration became Hope Bay Gold, acquired by Miramar Mining, now Newmont
Cambior was acquired by IAMGOLD Corporation
Cameco [NYSE:CCJ] - Major uranium producer. Spun off gold assets as Centerra Gold
Cameo Cobalt [TSX-V:CRU] - Cobalt projects in Chile, and a gold project in British Columbia
Camino Minerals [TSX-V:COR] - Focused on precious and base metal projects in Mexico
Camnor Resources is now Stornoway Diamonds
Camrova Resources [OTC:BAJFF] - Owns a 7.3% interest in the Boleo copper-cobalt-zinc-manganese project located in Baja California Sur, Mexico
Canabrava Diamond is now part of Northern Superior Resources
Canaco Resources was acquired by East Africa Metals
Canada Carbon [TSX-V:CCB] - Asbury graphite mining project, Ontario, Canada. (was Bolero Resources)
Canada Nickel [TSX-V:CNC] - Crawford nickel-cobalt sulphide discovery
Canada Cobalt Works (formerly Castle Silver Resources) is now Nord Precious Metals
Canada Fluorspar was acquired by Golden Gate Capital
Canada Rare Earth Corp. [TSX-V:LL] - Projects in North America, the Caribbean, South America, Africa, Asia and Southeast Asia
Canada Strategic Metals merged with Matamec Explorations to form Quebec Precious Metals
Canada Zinc Metals is now ZincX Resources
Canadian Arrow Mines was acquired by Tartisan Nickel
Canadian Empire Exploration became X-Terra Resources, now Comet Lithium
Canadian Energy Materials becamne Gambier Gold, now EGR Exploration
Canadian Gold Camps (was Supreme Metals) [CSE:CAMP] - Focusing on Ontario and Quebec.
Canadian Gold Corp (was Satori Resources) [TSX-V:BUD] - Tartan Mine (Flin Flon, Manitoba)
Canadian Gold Hunter became NGEx Resources, now Josemaria Resources
Canadian International Minerals became Canadian Energy Materials, then Gambier Gold, now EGR Exploration
Canadian Manganese [NEO:CDMN] - Woodstock Project in New Brunswick.
Canadian Metals [CSE:CME] - Langis Project, a high-purity silica deposit located in the province of Quebec
Canadian Metals Exploration became Hard Creek Nickel, now Giga Metals
Canadian Mining Company became Canadian Zeolite, now International Zeolite
Canadian Mountain Minerals merged with Goldtex to form Cantex Mine Development
Canadian North Resources [TSX-V:CNRI] - Ferguson Lake nickel, copper cobalt, palladium and platinum project in Nunavut, Canada
Canadian Orebodies is now Hemlo Explorers
Canadian Palladium (was 21C Metals, previously Declan Cobalt) is now Quest Critical Metals
Canadian Platinum Corporation is now Aurex Energy
Canadian Royalties was acquired by Jien Canada Mining, a wholly owned subsidiary of Jilin Jien Nickel Industry
Canadian Silver Hunter [TSX-V:AGH] - South Lorrain Project, Ontario
Canadian Zinc is now NorZinc
Canagold Resources (was Canarc Resource Corp.) [TSX-V:CCM] - Gold properties in north and central British Columbia
CanAlaska Uranium [TSX-V:CVV] - Saskatchewan uranium
Canamex Gold [TSX-V:CSQ] - Gold projects in Nevada
Canarc Resource Corporation is now Canagold Resources
Canamera Energy Metals (was High Point Exploration) [CSE:EMET] - Mantle Property in British Columbia.
Canasil Resources Inc. [TSX-V:CLZ] -Canadian resource company focusing on silver, gold and zinc development stage projects
Cancana Resources was acquired by Meridian Mining
Cancor Mines was acquired by Yorbeau Resources
Candelaria Mining [TSX-V:CAND] - Projects in Mexico,
Candente Copper is now Alta Copper
Candente Gold is now Xali Gold
Candor Ventures merged with Nustar to form Canstar Resources
Candorado Operating Company is now Sunrise Resources plc
CANEX Metals [TSX-V:CANX] - Gibson Property in British Columbia
Cangold Limited was acquired by Great Panther Silver
CaNickel Mining [TSX-V:CML] - Bucko Lake Nickel Mine near Wabowden, Manitoba
Canico Resource was acquired by CVRD, now Vale
Cannindah Resources [ASX:CAE] - Mount Cannindah Copper-Gold Project, Queensland.
Cannon Resources (demerger from Rox Resources) [ASX:CNR] - Nickel in Eastern Goldfields region of Western Australia
Canoe Mining Ventures [TSX-V:CLV] - Kerrs Project, Larder Lake Mining Division, Ontario
Canplats Resources was acquired by Goldcorp, now Newmont
Canstar Resources [TSX-V:ROX] - Merger of Candor Ventures and Nustar Resources
Canterra Minerals [TSX-V:CTM] - Specializing in diamond exploration within the Northwest Territories
Cantex Mine Developement [TSX-V:CD] - Properties in Nevada and Yemen
Canterbury Resources [ASX:CBY] - Australia, Papau New Guinea, and Vanuatu
Canuc Resources [TSX-V:CDA] -San Javier Silver-Gold Project in Mexico
Canyon Copper is now Searchlight Resources
Canyon Resources [ASX:CAY] - Burkina Faso, West Africa
Canyon Resources was acquired by Atna Resources (Chapter 11)
Cape Alumina was acquired by Metro Mining
Cape Lambert Resources is now Cyclone Metals
Capella Minerals [TSX-V:CMIL] - Gold and copper exploration and development company with properties located in Canada and Scandinavia.
Capital Gold was acquired by Gammon Gold, which became AuRico Gold and was acquired by Alamos Gold
Capitan Silver (was Capitan Minina, a spin-out from Riverside Resources) [TSX-V:CAPT] - Exploring for Gold and Silver in Durango, Mexico
Caprice Resources [ASX:CRS] - Wild Horse Hill Project (Northern Territory) and Northampton Project (Western Australia)
Capricorn Metals [ASX:CMM] - Karlawinda Gold Project in Western Australia (was Malagasy Minerals)
Caprock Mining (formerly Blingold) [CSE:CAPR] - Beardmore-Geraldton Gold Belt of Ontario.
Capstone Copper [TSX:CS] - Copper in Arizona (US), Chile, and Mexico
Capstone Mining and Mantos Copper have combined to form Capstone Copper
Caracal Gold plc [LSE:GCAT] - Kilimapesa Gold Mine, Kenya
Carat Exploration became Stronghold Metals, then Eagle Mountain Gold, now Goldsource Mines
Caravel Minerals [ASX:CVV] - Gold and base metals explorer with projects throughout Western Australia and Queensland
Carawine Resources [ASX:CWX] - Gold, copper and base metal deposits within Australia. Demerged from minerals sands developer Sheffield Resources
Carbine Resources [ASX:CRB] - Gold explorer
Carbine Tungsten became Speciality Metals International, now EQ Resources
Carbon Energy (was Metex Resources) was delisted
Cardero Resource was acquired by World Copper (28 January 2022)
Cardinal Resources (was Ridge Resources) [ASX:CDV] - African gold-focused exploration in Ghana, West Africa.
Caribgold is now Unigold
Cariboo Rose Resources [TSX-V:CRB] - British Columbia and the Yukon
Caribou King Resources became CKR Carbon, now Gratomic
Carlin Gold [TSX-V:CGD] - Great Basin of Nevada
Carlisle Goldfields was acquired by Alamos Gold
Carlyle Commodities [CSE:CCC] -
Carnaby Resources [ASX:CNB] - Australia and Scandinavia
Carnavale Resources [ASX:CAV] - Gold and iron ore deposits in Brasil
Carolina Rush (was Pancontinental Resources) [TSX-V:RUSH] - Southeastern USA.
Carpathian Gold is now Eurosun Mining
Carpentaria Exploration is now Hawsons Iron
Carrick Gold is now KalNorth Gold Mines
Cartier Silver Corporation (Was Cartier Iron Corporation) [CSE:CFE] - Silver Project in the Potosi Department, Bolivia
Cartier Resources [TSX-V:ECR] - Abitibi Gold Belt in Quebec
Carube Copper is now C3 Metals
Casa Minerals [TSX-V:CASA] - British Columbia
Cascada Silver [CSE:CSS] - Focused on silver exploration in South America.
Cascadero Copper [TSX-V:CCD] - Toodoggone River region of north central British Columbia.
Cascadia Minerals [TSX-V:CAM] - Exploring for copper and gold in Yukon and British Columbia
Cash Minerals became Pitchblack Resources, now Troilus Gold
Caspian Oil and Gas is now Equus Mining
Caspin Resources (demerger from Cassini Resources following its acquisition by OZ Minerals) [ASX:CPN] - Western Australia projects
Cassiar Gold (was Margaux Resources) [TSX-V:GLDC] - Gold districts in British Columbia
Cassini Resources was acquired by OZ Minerals
Cassius Mining [ASX:CMD] - Projects in Ghana and Madagascar
Cassius Ventures [TSE-V:CZ-H] - Projects in Nicaragua
Castile Resources [ASX:CST] - Assets in the Northern Territory, Australia
Castillian Resources became Coastal Gold, now First Mining Gold
Castillo Copper (was Oakland Resources) [ASX:CCZ] - Exploration for high-quality copper projects in Chile, the premier copper producing country.
Castle Silver Resources became Canada Cobalt Works, now Nord Precious Metals
Castle Gold Corporation is now Argonaut Gold
Castle Minerals [ASX:CDT] - Gold projects in Ghana
Castle Peak Mining is now Akwaaba Mining
Castlemaine Goldfields was acquired by LionGold, now Shen Yao Holdings
Catalina Resources (was Shree Minerals) [ASX:CTN] - Projects in New South Wales, Tasmania, and Western Australia
Catalpa Resources merged with Conquest Mining to form Evolution Mining
Catalyst Copper merged with NewCastle Gold, which then merged with Anfield Gold and Trek Mining to form Equinox Gold
Catalyst Metals [ASX:CYL] - Western Australia
Caterpillar [NYSE:CAT] - Leading manufacturer of construction and mining equipment, diesel and natural gas engines and industrial gas turbines
Cauldron Energy [ASX:CXU] - Uranium properties
Causmag International [subsidiary of Orind Australia] - High grade magnesium oxide products
Cavalier Resources [ASX:CVR] - Gold and nickel assets in Western Australia
Cayden Resources was acquired by Agnico Eagle
Cazaly Resources [ASX:CAZ] - Mineral exploration projects within Western Australia
Cedar Mountain Exploration is now Graphite One Resources
Celsius Resources [ASX:CLA] - Focused on cobalt projects in Namibia and Western Australia
Celtic Resources plc was acquired by Centroferve Ltd (a subsidiary of Severstal)
Centamin plc [TSX:CEE] - Sukari gold project
Centaurus Metals [ASX:CTM] - Emerging iron ore company in south-eastern Brazil
Centenario Copper was acquired by Quadra FNX Mining, now KGHM International, a subdidiary of KGHM Polska Miedz S.A.
Centenera Mining is now Latin Metals
Centennial Mining was acquired by Kaiser Reef
Centerra Gold [TSX:CG] - Spin-off of Cameco gold assets
Central African Gold (was Bankers Cobalt) is now African Energy Metals
Central Africa Mining was acquired by ENRC, now Eurasian Group
Central Asia Gold became CGA Mining, which was acquired by B2Gold
Central Asia Metals [LSE:CAML] - Kounrad copper operation in Kazakhstan and the Sasa zinc and lead mine in Macedonia
Central Copper Resources Plc [private] - Democratic Republic of Congo ("DRC") and the Republic of Zambia
Central Fund of Canada is now Sprott Physical Gold and Silver Trust - A closed-end fund that holds gold and silver bullion
Central Iron Ore [TSX-V:CIO] - Engaged in the search for and development of iron ore and gold in Australia
Central Sun Mining acquired by Linear Gold merged with Apollo Gold formed Brigus Gold, acquired by Primero Mining, now First Majestic Silver
Central Timmins Exploration is now P2 Gold
Centrex Metals [ASX:CXM] - Iron ore mining, South Australia
Century Global Commodities Corporation (formerly Century Iron Mines Corporation) [TSX:CNT] - Iron exploration properties located in Quebec, Newfoundland, and Labrador
Century Lithium (was Cypress Development Corporation) [TSX-V:LCE] - Clayton Valley Lithium Project in Nevada, USA
Century Metals is now Reyna Silver
Cerro de Pasco Resources [CSE:CDPR] - Treatment and reprocessing of all material resources, dumps, tailings and mining waste at Cerro de Pasco in Peru
Cerro Dorado is now AURYN Mining
Cerro Grande Mining [CSE:CEG] - Pimenton Mine, Chile. (was South American Gold and Copper)
Cerro Resources was acquired by Primero Mining, now First Majestic Silver
Cervantes Corporation is now Reach Resources
Ceylon Graphite [TSX-V:CYL] - Graphite mines in Sri Lanka
Chaarat Gold [LSE:CGH] - Developing a new gold province in the Kyrgyz Republic
Chakana Copper [TSX-V:PERU] - Advanced High Grade Copper-Gold-Silver Exploration in the Peruvian Andes
Chala Metals [private] - Iron and Copper Projects in Peru, South America
Chalice Gold Mines [ASX:CHN] - Zara Project in Eritrea
Chalice Diamond became La Ronge Gold, now Select Sands
Chalkos Metals is now Mount Isa Minerals
Champion Bear Resources [TSX-V:CBA] -Platinum group metals in Ontario
Champion Electric Metals (Was Idaho Champion Mines) [CSE:THM] - Lithium projects in Quebec, Canada and cobalt projects in Idaho, United States.
Champion Iron Mines [ASX:CIA] - Holds mineral rights located in Northwest Labrador and an option agreement in Central Newfoundland
Champion Resources became Redback Mining, acquired by Kinross Gold
Channel Resources was acquired by West African Resources
Chaparral Gold was acquired by Goldrock Mines, which was acquired by Fortuna Silver Mines
Charger Metals [ASX:CHR] - Lithium & other base metals projects in Western Australia and the Northern Territory
Charters Towers Gold Mines is now CitiGold
Chase Mining is now Green Critical Minerals
Chengtun Mining Group [Shanghai:600711] - Engaged in the mining of copper, tin, tungsten, zinc, lead, gold and silver
Chesapeake Gold [TSX-V:CKG] - Gold exploration in Mexico and Central America
Chesser Resources [ASX:CHZ] - Gold, copper, nickel and uranium in South Australia
Chester Mining [OTC:CHMN] - Founded in Coeur d'Alene in 1900
Chesterfield Resources Plc [LSE:CHF] - Minerals company exploring primarily for copper and gold in Cyprus
Chibougamau Independent Mines [TSX-V:CBG] - Chibougamau Mining Camp - Au, Cu, Ag, Zn, Fe
Chifeng Jilong Gold Mining [Shanghai:600988] - Owns 6 operating mines and 1 comprehensive resource recycling company in China, Southeast Asia and West Africa
Chilean Metals (was International PBX Ventures} is now (Power Nickel [TSX-V:CMX] - Acquisition, exploration, and development of Iron Oxide Copper Gold (IOCG) projects in Chile.
Chilwa Minerals [ASX:CHW] - Mineral sands exploration project in the eastern Zomba district in Malawi near the border of Mozambique
Chimata Gold is now CAT Strategic Metals Corporation
China Gold International Resources [TSX:CGG] - Operates two producing mines in China: the CSH Gold Mine in Inner Mongolia Region, and the Jiama Copper-Polymetallic Mine in Tibet Region.
China Hanking Holdings [HK:3788] - Iron ore, nickel, and gold mining in China, Indonesia and Australia
China Magnesium Corporation [ASX:suspended]
China Minerals Mining is now WildSky Resources
China Mining Resources Group is now Tongguan Gold
China Molybdenum [HK:3993] - Luanchuan molybdenum mine, with molybdenum reserves ranked second in China
China Natural Resources [NASDAQ:CHNR] - Zinc and irom
China Nonferrous Gold Limited (was Kryso Resources) [LSE:CNG] - Pakrut gold project lies within the southern portion of the Tien Shan Fold Belt
China Nonferrous Metals - Engaged in mining, processing and trading of nonferrous metals, currently lead and zinc in the PRC
China Nonferrous Mining [HK:1258] - leading copper producer, focusing on the mining, ore processing, leaching, smelting and sale of copper, based in Zambia
China Northern Rare Earth Group [Shanghai:600111] -
China ShouGuan Mining Corporation [OTC:CHSO] - Controls the Cunliji Gold Mine located in Penglai city, Shandong,
China Yunnan Copper is now Auking Mining
Choice Gold became CopperBank, now Faraday Copper
Christopher James Gold is now Gunpoint Explorations
Chrometco Limited [JSE:CMO] - Concluding the sale of its chrome ore reserve to focus on other minerals opportunities
Chugai Mining [Tokyo:1491] - Refines gold and silver
Churchill Resources [TSX-V:CRI] - Focused on high-grade battery metal projects
Cibolan Gold [OTC:CIBG] - Independence Project in the Battle Mountain Mining District of Nevada
Cipher Resources became Empress Resources, then merged with Alto Ventures, now Big Ridge Gold
Cirrus Gold is now American Copper Development Corporation
Citadel Gold mines became Anconia Resource Corp, now Omai Gold Mines
Citadel Resource Group was acquired by Equinox Resources, who was acquired by Barrick Gold
Citation Resources is now MacArthur Minerals
CitiGold [ASX:CTO] - Gold mines under Charters Towers in Queensland
Claim Post Resources is now CPS (Canadian Premium Sand)
Claimstaker Resources became J-Pacific Gold, then Sona Resources, now Skeena Resources
Clan Resources was acquired by Energy Metals, became Uranium One, acquired by Rosatom State Nuclear Energy Corporation
Clancy Exploration [ASX:CLY] - Copper-gold projects NewSouth Wales and base metal projects in Tasmania
Clara Resources Australia [ASX:C7A] - Kildanga Nickel & Cobalt Project, Queensland
Clarity Metals [CSE:CMET] - Focused on the acquisition, exploration & development of gold projects in North America
Class 1 Nickel and Technologies Limited [CSE:NICO] - Alexo-Dundonald Nickel project in Timmins, Ontario, Canada
Classic Minerals [ASX:CLZ] - Project located in the Eastern Goldfields, Murchison and Fraser Range districts of Western Australia
Claude Resources was acquired by Silver Standard, now SSR Mining
Clean Air Metals (was Regency Gold) [TSX-V:AIR] - Thunder Bay North and Escape Lake Platinum Group Metal Properties
Clean Commodities is now Dixie Gold
Clean TeQ Water [ASX:CNQ] - Provides innovative metals recovery and water treatment solutions for governments and companies.
Clear Sky Lithium is now Power Lithium
Cleghorn Minerals [TSX-V:CZZ] - Matachewan Prospect in Quebec.
Cleveland Cliffs is now Cleveland Cliffs
Cleveland Cliffs [NYSE:CLF] - Operates six iron ore mines located in Michigan, Minnesota and Eastern Canada
Clifton Mining [OTC:CFTN] - Gold Hill silver property in western Utah
Clifton Star Resources was acquired by First Mining Gold
Climax Mining NL was acquired by Oceana Gold
Cloncurry Metals became Global Resources Corporation, now Agrium
Cloudbreak Resources is now Petro One Energy
Cluff Mining became Ridge Mining, now Aquarius Platinum
Cluff Gold plc became Amara Mining now Perseus Mining
Cluff Resources Pacific became Torian Resources, now Asra Minerals
Coast Copper (was Roughrider Exploration) [TSX-V:COCO] - Empire Mine Property located on northern Vancouver Island, B.C.
Coastal Gold was acquired by First Mining Gold
Cobalt 27 Capital became Conic Metals, now Nickel 28
Cobalt Blockchain is now Enerev5 Metals
Cobalt Blue [ASX:COB] - Thackaringa Cobalt Project
Cobalt Power Group [TSX-V:CPO] - Canadian cobalt exploration and development company
Cobra Resources Plc [LSE:COBR] - Prince Alfred Copper Mine and Wudinna Project in South Australia
Cobre Limited [ASX:CBE] - Perrinvale Copper Project in central Western Australia
Cobre Montana is now Lithium Australia
Coda Minerals [ASX:COD] - Elizabeth Creek Copper Project in South Australia
Codelco World's largest copper producer
Codrus Minerals [ASX:CDR] - Gold focused explorer with exciting projects in Western Australia and Oregon, USA.
Coeur Mining [NYSE:CDE] - Producing gold & silver in the United States, Chile, and New Zealand
Cogema is a subsidiary of Orano (was Areva Group) - Uranium mining and processing
Cogitore Resources sold substantially all of its exploration properties and physical exploration assets in the provinces of Quebec and Ontario to Yorbeau Resources
Cohiba Minerals [ASX:CHK] - Santy Well Project
Colibri Resource Corporation [TSX-V:CBI] - Mexico
Collective Metals (was Arctic Fox Minerals) [CSE:COMT] - Princeton Project in south-central British Columbia, Canada
Collective Mining [TSX-V:CNL] -Gold in Colombia
Collerina Cobalt is now Alpha HPA
Colombia Crest Gold is now ATEX Resources
Colombia Goldfields was acquired by Medoro Resources, became Gran Colombia Gold, then GCM Mining who merge with Aris Gold to form Aris Mining
Colombian Mines became Newrange Gold, now Pinnacle Silver and Gold
Colonial Resources became Papillon Resources, now B2Gold
Colorado Resources became QuestEx Gold & Copper, acquired by Skeena Resources (March 30, 2022)
Colossus Resources (formerly Peruviangold Mining Corp.) [TSX-V:CLUS] - Mineral exploration properties in Ontario
Colt Resources [TSX-V:GTP] - Portugal and Canada
Columbia Yukon Explorations is now BC Moly
Columbus Gold is now Orea Mining
Comaplex Minerals was acquired by Agnico Eagle
Comet Lithium (was X-Terra Resources, previously Canadian Empire Exploration) [TSX-V:CLIC] - Liberty Project in the James Bay Region of Quebec
Comet Resources Limited [ASX:CRL] - Developing the Ravensthorpe laterite nickel project in the south-east of Western Australia
Cominco is now Teck Resources Limited
Commander Resources [TSX-V:CMD] - Actively searching for precious metals, base metals and nickel deposits. Holds equity interest in Diamonds North Resources
Commerce Resources [TSX-V:CCE] - Focus on Tantalum and Rare Metal deposits
Commissioners Gold Limited is now Gold Mountain Limited
Committee Bay Resources was renamed CBR Gold, then Niblack Mineral Development, acquired by Heatherdale Resources, now Blackwolf Copper and Gold
Commonwealth Silver became Marlin Gold, then merged with Golden Reign Resources to form Mako Mining
Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (CVRD) is now Vale
Compass Gold [TSX-V:CVB] - Gold properties in Mali, West Africa
Comstock [AMEX:LODE] -
Concordia Resource Corporation became Kaizen Discovery
Condor Gold [LSE:CNR] - Gold and silver resources in Central America
Condor Nickel is now Inca Minerals
Condor Resources [TSX-V:CN] - Gold and Copper in Chile
Conduto Platinum is now Noble Metals
Confederation Minerals became Trillium Gold Mines, acquired by Alamos Gold
Coniagas Battery Metals [TSX-V:COS] - Graal project, Quebec, Canada
Coniagas Resources became Lithium One, then Galaxy Resources, acquired by Orocobre, renamed Allkem
Conic Metals is now Nickel 28
Conico [ASX:CNJ] - Mt Thirsty cobalt-nickel oxide deposit
Connemara Mining Company plc is now Arkle Resources plc
Conquest Mining merged with Catalpa Resources to form Evolution Mining
Conquest Resources [TSX-V:CQR] - Gold mining and exploration in Canada, Central Asia and Africa
Conroy Gold and Natural Resources [LSE:CGNR] - Clontibret (Au) Ireland
Consolidated Abaddon Resources is now Aben Minerals
Consolidated Golden Thunder Resources is now Los Andes Copper
Consolidated Gold Win Ventures became Encore Renaissance Resources, now WestKam Gold
Consolidated Gulfside Resources became Gulfside Minerals, now Arrowstar Resources
Consolidated Lithium Metals (was Jourdan Resources) [TSX-V:CLM] -
Consolidated Minerals was acquired by Palmary Enterprises
Consolidated Norsemont Ventures became Norsemont Mining now, HudBay Minerals
Consolidated Pacific Bay Minerals is now Pacific Bay Minerals
Consolidated Puma Minerals is now B2Gold
Consolidated Thompson Iron Mines was acquired by Cleveland Cliffs
Consolidated Tin Mines [ASX:delisted]
Consolidated Trillion Resources merged into Viceroy Exploration, became amana Gold which was acquired by Pan American Silver
Consolidated Uranium (was NxGold) is now IsoEnergy
Consolidated Woodjam Copper is now Vizsla Copper
Consolidated Zinc is now Yari Minerals
Constance Iron (was Koch Metals) [unlisted] - Australian based iron ore company
Constantine Metal Resources was acquired by American Pacific Mining (November 1, 2022)
Constellation Resources [ASX:CR1] - Orpheus Project in the Fraser Range province of Western Australia
Contact Diamond merged into Stornoway Diamond Corporation
Contact Gold was acquired by Orla Mining - (April 29, 2024)
Contact Uranium became Ram Resources, then Longford Resources, now New World Resources
Contango ORE [OTC:CTGOQ] - Exploring for gold, copper, silver, and other valuable minerals in Alaska
Continental Gold was acquired by Zinjin
Continental Minerals was acquire by Jinchuan Group
Continental Nickel was acquired by IMX Resources, now Indiana Resources
Coolabah Metals [ASX:CBH] - Projects in the Lachlan Fold Belt (NSW) and one in Mount Isa (QLD)
Cooper Metals [ASX:CPM] - Mt Isa East Cu-Au Project
CopAur Minerals (was International Samuel Exploration) [TSX-V:CPAU] - Williams Gold / Copper Property, British Columbia, Canada
Copper Bullet Mines [private] - Searching for Copper in the Americas with a Focus on the Western United States
Copper Canyon Resources was acquired by NovaGold
Copper Creek Gold is now Surge Battery Metals
Copper Fox Metals [TSX-V:CUU] - Schaft Creek copper-gold-molybdenum-silver property located in Northwestern British Columbia
Copper Lake Resources [TSX-V:CPL] - Explores for copper, zinc and nickel base metals with significant precious metal credits In Northwestern Ontario.
Copper Mountain Mining was acquired by Hudbay
Copper North Mining (spun out from Western Copper Corporation) was acquired by Granite Creek Copper
Copper Reef is now Voyageur Mineral Explorers
Copper Ridge Exploration became Norris Lithium, acquired by Lithium One
Copper Road Resources (was Stone Gold) [TSX-V:CRD] - Northwestern Ontario
Copper Search [ASX:CUS] - Targeting world class copper-gold deposits within the Gawler Craton of South Australia.
Copper Standard Resources (was Level 14 Ventures) [CSE:CSR] - Colpayoc gold prospect, Yanacocha gold district in Cajamarca, Peru.
Copper Strike [ASX:CSE] - Exploration properties in Queensland , NSW and Tasmania
CopperBank is now Faraday Copper
CopperCo assets were acquired by Cape Lambert Resources, now Cyclone Metals
CopperCorp [TSX:CPER] - Alpine Copper Project, Tasmania
Coppermoly Limited [ASX:COY] - Papau New Guinea
Coppernico Metals (was Sombrero Resources) - Copper-gold and nickel deposits in South America
Cora Gold [LSE:CORA] - Project Areas in Mali and Senegal
Coral Gold was acquired by Nomad Royalty, who was acquired by Sandstorm Gold Royalties
Corazon Mining [ASX:CZN] - Lynn Lake Nickel-Copper-Cobalt Mining Centre located in Manitoba
Cordoba Minerals [TSX-V:CDB] - Colombia. (was Wesgold Minerals)
Corcel plc (was Regency Mines) [LSE:CRCL] - Battery metal exploration
Core Assets [CSE:CC] - Blue Property, British Columbia which is believed to be prospective for copper, cobalt, silver and gold
Core Exploration is now Core Lithium
Core Gold was acquired by Titan Minerals
Core Lithium [ASX:CXO] - Finniss Lithium Project, located near Darwin in the Northern Territory in Australia
Core Nickel [CSE:CNCO] - Thompson Nickel Belt in Northern Manitoba, Canada
Corex Gold is now Minera Alamos
Corizon Limited is now EMETALS
Corizon Resources is now CZR Resources
Corner Bay Silver was acquired by Pan American Silver
Cornerstone Metals became First Vanadium, now Phenom Resources
Cornish Lithium
Cornish Metals (was Strongbow Exploration) [TSX-V:CUSN] - South Crofty underground tin mine in Cornwall, UK
Cornwall Resources {subsidiary of Strategic Minerals plc] - Redmoor tin-tungsten project, Cornwakk, UK
Coro Mining is now Marimaca Copper
Corona Gold was acquired by Oban Mining, now Osisko Mining
Coronado Global Resources [ASX:CRN] - Metallurgical coal basins in the Bowen Basin in Queensland, Australia and the Central Appalachian region of the US
Coronation International Mining was acquired by Orezone Resources, which was acquired by IAMGOLD
Coronet Metals is now Meguma Gold
Corriente Resources was acquired by Tongguan Investment (jointly-owned direct subsidiary of Tongling Nonferrous Metals Group Holdings and China Railway Construction Corporation Limited)
Corsurex Resource is now Gold Port Corporation
Cortez Gold merged with Starcore International Mines
Cortus Metals is now Metalero Mining
Corvus Gold was acquired by AngloGold Ashanti (January 18, 2022)
Cosa Resources [CSE:COSA] - Green metsl projects in Saskatchewan.
Cosigo Resources - Exploring for Gold in the Taraira Gold Belt, Brazil
Cosmo Gold [ASX:CSM] - Cosmo Newbery Gold Project in Western Australia.
Cosmos Exploration [ASX:C1X] - Gold, Copper and Nickel deposits in Australia
Cosmo Metals [ASX:CMO] - Nickel, copper and cobalt in Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia.
Coventry Resources is now PolarX
Cowan Lithium is now Midas Minerals
Coziron Resources [ASX:CZR] - Iron project on Sumartra
Cradle Resources is now Earths Energy - Geothermal energy
Crater Gold Mining [ASX:CGN] - Exploring and developing gold and base metal deposits in Papua New Guinea [PNG] and Australia. (was Gold Anomaly Limited)
Craton Resources NL became Basin Minerals Limited, which was acquired by Iluka Resources
Crazy Horse Resources became Rockwealth Resources, now Strathmore Plus Energy
Cream Minerals became Agave Silver, became First Energy Metals, now FE Battery Metals
Creat Resources [LSE:CRHL] - Mineral properties in both Australia and overseas
Crescent Gold is now Focus Minerals
Crescent Resources became Coventry Resources is now PolarX
Creso Exploration was acquired by Nichromet, now Dundee Sustainable Technologies
Crest Resources [CSE:CRES] - Projects in Newfoundland.
Crestview Exploration [CSE:CRS] - Rock Creek Project in the Tuscarora Mountains of northern Elko County, Nevada
Creston Moly merged with Mercator Minerals (bankrupt), then was acquired by Starcore International Mines
Cresval Capital is now Transforma Resources
Crew Gold was acquired by Severstal
Critical Elements Corporation [TSX-V:CRE] - Focused on the rare metals and rare earths, particularly tantalum
Critical Metals Ltd - Aims to supply the European energy storage industry with metals from the Nordic region
Critical Metals plc [LSE:CRTM] - Actively evaluating opportunities in commodities including tantalum, niobium, antimony, copper, cobalt and rare earth elements
Critical Minerals Group [ASX:CMG] - Focus on carbon-neutral processes, including Solar, Hydrogen and Vanadium Redox Batteries
Critical Reagent Processing (was Oz Lithium, previously Australian Goldfields) [CSE:CRPC] - Laguna Santa Maria Project, Argentina
Critical Resources (was Force Commodities, previously (was Sovereign Gold) [ASX:CRR] - Emerging base metals company with assets in New South Wales, Australia and the Sultanate of Oman..
Crocodile Gold became Newmarket Gold, acquired by Kirkland Lake Gold, acquired by Agnico Eagle Mines
Croesus Mining became Sirius Resources, now IGO
Cross River Ventures [CSE:CRVC] - Tahsis Property, Vancouver Island, British Columbia
Crossland Uranium Mines Limited became Crossland Strategic Metals, now Enova Mining
Crowflight Minerals is now CaNickel Mining
Crown Minerals is now New Zealand Petroleum & Minerals
Crown Mining is now US Copper
Crown Resources was acquired by Kinross Gold
Crusader Resources became Big River Gold, acquired by Aura Minerals
Cruz Battery Metals (was Cruz Cobalt) [CSE:CRUZ] - High grade cobalt prospects in North America
Crystal Exploration is now Benchmark Metals
Crystal Lake Mining is now Enduro Metals
Crystallex International - Operations in Uruguay, Venezuela, Brazil and Canada
Cue Resources was acquired by Uranium Energy Corp
CuFe (was Fe Limited) [ASX:CUF] - Various projects and tenements prospective for iron ore, battery metals, copper and gold, all located in Australia.
Culico Metals [TSX-V:CLCO] -
Cullen Resources NL [ASX:CUL] - Exploration at the Tick Hill (N.W. Queensland) and De Courcy (Ashburton, WA) gold projects
Cullinan Metals [CSE:CMT] - Borba 2 project in Portugal
Culpeo Minerals [ASX:CPO] - High-Grade Copper Belts of the Atacama Desert, Chile
Cumberland Resources was acquired by Agnico Eagle
Cupric Canyon Capital - Khoemacau Copper Project, Botswana was acquired by MMG
Curis Resources was acquired by Taseko Mines
Curnamona Energy was acquired by Havilah Resources
Currie Rose Resources is now Velox Energy Materials
Cusac Gold merged into Hawthorne Gold, became China Minerals Mining, now WildSky Resources
Cyclone Metals (was Cape Lambert Resources) [ASX:CLE] - Interests in several exploration and mining companies, providing exposure to cobalt, lithium, iron ore, uranium, copper and base metal assets in Australia, Europe, Africa and South America
Cygnus Metals [ASX:CY5] - Gold deposits within the Southwest Terrane, in the Wheatbelt region of Western Australia
Cypress Development Corporation is now Century Lithium
Cyprium Metals (was Arc Exploration) [ASX:CYM] - Australian copper projects
Cyprus Amax Minerals was acquired by Phelps Dodge, which was acquired by Freeport McMoRan Copper & Gold

GOLDSHEET Mining Directory - Companies C
CompaniesA | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q-R | S | T | U-V | W-Z
SectorsAustralia | Diamonds | London listed | Mutual Funds | South Africa | Uranium
MetalsAluminum | Cobalt | Copper | Iron | Moly | Nickel | Lead | PGMs | Silver | Tin | Zinc
InfoHistory | Mutual Funds | Obsolete | Organizations | Prospecting | Publications | Quotes | Services
COINSHEET Index | A-B | C | D-G | H-L | M-N | O-Q | R-S | T-Z | Banks/Mints | State Quarters |
OILSHEETIndex | A-B | C-D | E-F | G-K | L-N | O-P | Q-S | T-Z | Assoc/Govt
Comments Host: 1&1 IONOSCOPYRIGHT 1995-2024Updated 21 October 2024
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