GOLDSHEET Mining Directory - Companies C | ||||
Companies | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | QR | S | T | UV | WZ | |||
Sectors | Australia | Diamonds | London listed | Mutual Funds | South Africa | Uranium | |||
Metals | Aluminum | Cobalt | Copper | Iron | Moly | Nickel | Lead | Lithium | PGMS | Silver | Tin | Zinc | |||
Info | History | Obsolete Shares | Organizations | Prospecting | Publications | Quotes | Services | |||
COINSHEET | A-B | C | D-G | H-L | M-N | O-Q | R-S | T-Z | Banks/Mints | State Quarters | President $ | Clubs | |||
OILSHEET | A-B | C-D | E-F | G-K | L-N | O-P | Q-S | T-Z | Associations/Government | Services | |||
Australian ASX | Canadian Cboe CSE TMX |
US listed NYSE | NASDAQ | OTC Markets |
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GOLDSHEET Mining Directory | COINSHEET Numismatic Directory | OILSHEET Energy Directory |
C29 Metals [ASX:C29] - Copper in Australia. |
C2C Metals [CSE:CTOC] - Central Gold Belt of Newfoundland |
C3 Metals (was Carube Copper) [TSX-V:CCCM] - Focussed on the discovery of large copper projects in Peru |
CAT Strategic Metals Corporation (was Chimata Gold) [CSE:CAT] - British Columbia, Quebec, and Zimbabwe |
CAVU Energy Metals was acquired by Alpha Copper |
CBH Resources was acquired by Toho Zinc |
CBLT [TSX-V:CBLT] - Targeting Cobalt in ethical traceable mining jurisdictions |
CBR Gold became Niblack Mineral Development, became Heatherdale Resources, now Blackwolf Copper and Gold |
CDN Maverick Capital [CSE:CDN] - Projects in Nevada, USA and Quebec, Canada |
CEMIN Holding Minero - Medium-sized mining company dedicated to the extraction and processing of copper and gold in Chile. Created in 1982, it has operations in Catemu, Pullally and Domeyko. |
CGA Mining was acquired by B2Gold |
CGN Resources [ASX:CGR] - West Arunta Region of Western Australia |
CGrowth Capital [OTC:CGRA] - |
CKR Carbon is now Gratomic |
CMC Metals [TSX-V:CMB] - Silver, lead, amd zinc in Yukon |
CMX Gold & Silver [CSE:CXC] - Clayton Silver Property in southeastern Idaho |
CZR Resources (was Corizon Resources) [ASX:CZR] - Iron ore project in Western Sumatra, Indonesia |
Cabo Drilling [TSX-V:CBE] - Drilling services provider serving the mining and exploration industries |
Cabral Gold [TSX-V:CBR] - Cui� Cui� Gold Project in Brazil |
Cache Exploration [TSX-V:CAY] - Exploring for Near-Surface Gold in Nunavut |
Cadan Resources is now Rizal Resources |
Cadence Minerals [LSE:KDNC] - Iron ore and lithium deposits |
Cadillac Mining was acquired by Pilot Gold, now Liberty Gold |
Cadillac Ventures [TSX-V:CDC] - Thierry Property located outside of Pickle Lake in NW Ontario |
Cadiscor Resources was acquired by North American Palladium, now Implats |
Caeneus Minerals is now Mantle Minerals |
Caldas Gold became Aris Gold, now Aris Mining |
Caledonia Mining plc [LSE:CMCL] - Diversified portfolio of properties in Southern Africa and Canada. |
Calibre Mining [TSX:CXB] - Nicaragua |
Calico Resources was acquired by Paramount Gold Nevada |
Calidus Resources [ASX:CAI] - Warrawoona Gold Project in the Pilbara Goldfield in Western Australia |
California Gold Mining (was Upper Canada Gold) was acquired by Stratabound Minerals |
Callinan Royalties was acquired by Altius Minerals |
Callinex Mines [TSX-V:CNX] -Base and precious metals exploration properties in Manitoba and British Columbia |
Calypso Uranium was acquired by U3O8 Corp, now Green Shift Commodities |
Cambiex Exploration became Hope Bay Gold, acquired by Miramar Mining, now Newmont |
Cambior was acquired by IAMGOLD Corporation |
Cameco [NYSE:CCJ] - Major uranium producer. Spun off gold assets as Centerra Gold |
Cameo Cobalt [TSX-V:CRU] - Cobalt projects in Chile, and a gold project in British Columbia |
Camino Minerals [TSX-V:COR] - Focused on precious and base metal projects in Mexico |
Camnor Resources is now Stornoway Diamonds |
Camrova Resources [OTC:BAJFF] - Owns a 7.3% interest in the Boleo copper-cobalt-zinc-manganese project located in Baja California Sur, Mexico |
Canabrava Diamond is now part of Northern Superior Resources |
Canaco Resources was acquired by East Africa Metals |
Canada Carbon [TSX-V:CCB] - Asbury graphite mining project, Ontario, Canada. (was Bolero Resources) |
Canada Nickel [TSX-V:CNC] - Crawford nickel-cobalt sulphide discovery |
Canada Cobalt Works (formerly Castle Silver Resources) is now Nord Precious Metals |
Canada Fluorspar was acquired by Golden Gate Capital |
Canada Rare Earth Corp. [TSX-V:LL] - Projects in North America, the Caribbean, South America, Africa, Asia and Southeast Asia |
Canada Strategic Metals merged with Matamec Explorations to form Quebec Precious Metals |
Canada Zinc Metals is now ZincX Resources |
Canadian Arrow Mines was acquired by Tartisan Nickel |
Canadian Empire Exploration became X-Terra Resources, now Comet Lithium |
Canadian Energy Materials becamne Gambier Gold, now EGR Exploration |
Canadian Gold Camps (was Supreme Metals) [CSE:CAMP] - Focusing on Ontario and Quebec. |
Canadian Gold Corp (was Satori Resources) [TSX-V:BUD] - Tartan Mine (Flin Flon, Manitoba) |
Canadian Gold Hunter became NGEx Resources, now Josemaria Resources |
Canadian International Minerals became Canadian Energy Materials, then Gambier Gold, now EGR Exploration |
Canadian Manganese [NEO:CDMN] - Woodstock Project in New Brunswick. |
Canadian Metals [CSE:CME] - Langis Project, a high-purity silica deposit located in the province of Quebec |
Canadian Metals Exploration became Hard Creek Nickel, now Giga Metals |
Canadian Mining Company became Canadian Zeolite, now International Zeolite |
Canadian Mountain Minerals merged with Goldtex to form Cantex Mine Development |
Canadian North Resources [TSX-V:CNRI] - Ferguson Lake nickel, copper cobalt, palladium and platinum project in Nunavut, Canada |
Canadian Orebodies is now Hemlo Explorers |
Canadian Palladium (was 21C Metals, previously Declan Cobalt) is now Quest Critical Metals |
Canadian Platinum Corporation is now Aurex Energy |
Canadian Royalties was acquired by Jien Canada Mining, a wholly owned subsidiary of Jilin Jien Nickel Industry |
Canadian Silver Hunter [TSX-V:AGH] - South Lorrain Project, Ontario |
Canadian Zinc is now NorZinc |
Canagold Resources (was Canarc Resource Corp.) [TSX-V:CCM] - Gold properties in north and central British Columbia |
CanAlaska Uranium [TSX-V:CVV] - Saskatchewan uranium |
Canamex Gold [TSX-V:CSQ] - Gold projects in Nevada |
Canarc Resource Corporation is now Canagold Resources |
Canamera Energy Metals (was High Point Exploration) [CSE:EMET] - Mantle Property in British Columbia. |
Canasil Resources Inc. [TSX-V:CLZ] -Canadian resource company focusing on silver, gold and zinc development stage projects |
Cancana Resources was acquired by Meridian Mining |
Cancor Mines was acquired by Yorbeau Resources |
Candelaria Mining [TSX-V:CAND] - Projects in Mexico, |
Candente Copper is now Alta Copper |
Candente Gold is now Xali Gold |
Candor Ventures merged with Nustar to form Canstar Resources |
Candorado Operating Company is now Sunrise Resources plc |
CANEX Metals [TSX-V:CANX] - Gibson Property in British Columbia |
Cangold Limited was acquired by Great Panther Silver |
CaNickel Mining [TSX-V:CML] - Bucko Lake Nickel Mine near Wabowden, Manitoba |
Canico Resource was acquired by CVRD, now Vale |
Cannindah Resources [ASX:CAE] - Mount Cannindah Copper-Gold Project, Queensland. |
Cannon Resources (demerger from Rox Resources) [ASX:CNR] - Nickel in Eastern Goldfields region of Western Australia |
Canoe Mining Ventures [TSX-V:CLV] - Kerrs Project, Larder Lake Mining Division, Ontario |
Canplats Resources was acquired by Goldcorp, now Newmont |
Canstar Resources [TSX-V:ROX] - Merger of Candor Ventures and Nustar Resources |
Canterra Minerals [TSX-V:CTM] - Specializing in diamond exploration within the Northwest Territories |
Cantex Mine Developement [TSX-V:CD] - Properties in Nevada and Yemen |
Canterbury Resources [ASX:CBY] - Australia, Papau New Guinea, and Vanuatu |
Canuc Resources [TSX-V:CDA] -San Javier Silver-Gold Project in Mexico |
Canyon Copper is now Searchlight Resources |
Canyon Resources [ASX:CAY] - Burkina Faso, West Africa |
Canyon Resources was acquired by Atna Resources (Chapter 11) |
Cape Alumina was acquired by Metro Mining |
Cape Lambert Resources is now Cyclone Metals |
Capella Minerals [TSX-V:CMIL] - Gold and copper exploration and development company with properties located in Canada and Scandinavia. |
Capital Gold was acquired by Gammon Gold, which became AuRico Gold and was acquired by Alamos Gold |
Capitan Silver (was Capitan Minina, a spin-out from Riverside Resources) [TSX-V:CAPT] - Exploring for Gold and Silver in Durango, Mexico |
Caprice Resources [ASX:CRS] - Wild Horse Hill Project (Northern Territory) and Northampton Project (Western Australia) |
Capricorn Metals [ASX:CMM] - Karlawinda Gold Project in Western Australia (was Malagasy Minerals) |
Caprock Mining (formerly Blingold) [CSE:CAPR] - Beardmore-Geraldton Gold Belt of Ontario. |
Capstone Copper [TSX:CS] - Copper in Arizona (US), Chile, and Mexico |
Capstone Mining and Mantos Copper have combined to form Capstone Copper |
Caracal Gold plc [LSE:GCAT] - Kilimapesa Gold Mine, Kenya |
Carat Exploration became Stronghold Metals, then Eagle Mountain Gold, now Goldsource Mines |
Caravel Minerals [ASX:CVV] - Gold and base metals explorer with projects throughout Western Australia and Queensland |
Carawine Resources [ASX:CWX] - Gold, copper and base metal deposits within Australia. Demerged from minerals sands developer Sheffield Resources |
Carbine Resources [ASX:CRB] - Gold explorer |
Carbine Tungsten became Speciality Metals International, now EQ Resources |
Carbon Energy (was Metex Resources) was delisted |
Cardero Resource was acquired by World Copper (28 January 2022) |
Cardinal Resources (was Ridge Resources) [ASX:CDV] - African gold-focused exploration in Ghana, West Africa. |
Caribgold is now Unigold |
Cariboo Rose Resources [TSX-V:CRB] - British Columbia and the Yukon |
Caribou King Resources became CKR Carbon, now Gratomic |
Carlin Gold [TSX-V:CGD] - Great Basin of Nevada |
Carlisle Goldfields was acquired by Alamos Gold |
Carlyle Commodities [CSE:CCC] - |
Carnaby Resources [ASX:CNB] - Australia and Scandinavia |
Carnavale Resources [ASX:CAV] - Gold and iron ore deposits in Brasil |
Carolina Rush (was Pancontinental Resources) [TSX-V:RUSH] - Southeastern USA. |
Carpathian Gold is now Eurosun Mining |
Carpentaria Exploration is now Hawsons Iron |
Carrick Gold is now KalNorth Gold Mines |
Cartier Silver Corporation (Was Cartier Iron Corporation) [CSE:CFE] - Silver Project in the Potosi Department, Bolivia |
Cartier Resources [TSX-V:ECR] - Abitibi Gold Belt in Quebec |
Carube Copper is now C3 Metals |
Casa Minerals [TSX-V:CASA] - British Columbia |
Cascada Silver [CSE:CSS] - Focused on silver exploration in South America. |
Cascadero Copper [TSX-V:CCD] - Toodoggone River region of north central British Columbia. |
Cascadia Minerals [TSX-V:CAM] - Exploring for copper and gold in Yukon and British Columbia |
Cash Minerals became Pitchblack Resources, now Troilus Gold |
Caspian Oil and Gas is now Equus Mining |
Caspin Resources (demerger from Cassini Resources following its acquisition by OZ Minerals) [ASX:CPN] - Western Australia projects |
Cassiar Gold (was Margaux Resources) [TSX-V:GLDC] - Gold districts in British Columbia |
Cassini Resources was acquired by OZ Minerals |
Cassius Mining [ASX:CMD] - Projects in Ghana and Madagascar |
Cassius Ventures [TSE-V:CZ-H] - Projects in Nicaragua |
Castile Resources [ASX:CST] - Assets in the Northern Territory, Australia |
Castillian Resources became Coastal Gold, now First Mining Gold |
Castillo Copper (was Oakland Resources) [ASX:CCZ] - Exploration for high-quality copper projects in Chile, the premier copper producing country. |
Castle Silver Resources became Canada Cobalt Works, now Nord Precious Metals |
Castle Gold Corporation is now Argonaut Gold |
Castle Minerals [ASX:CDT] - Gold projects in Ghana |
Castle Peak Mining is now Akwaaba Mining |
Castlemaine Goldfields was acquired by LionGold, now Shen Yao Holdings |
Catalina Resources (was Shree Minerals) [ASX:CTN] - Projects in New South Wales, Tasmania, and Western Australia |
Catalpa Resources merged with Conquest Mining to form Evolution Mining |
Catalyst Copper merged with NewCastle Gold, which then merged with Anfield Gold and Trek Mining to form Equinox Gold |
Catalyst Metals [ASX:CYL] - Western Australia |
Caterpillar [NYSE:CAT] - Leading manufacturer of construction and mining equipment, diesel and natural gas engines and industrial gas turbines |
Cauldron Energy [ASX:CXU] - Uranium properties |
Causmag International [subsidiary of Orind Australia] - High grade magnesium oxide products |
Cavalier Resources [ASX:CVR] - Gold and nickel assets in Western Australia |
Cayden Resources was acquired by Agnico Eagle |
Cazaly Resources [ASX:CAZ] - Mineral exploration projects within Western Australia |
Cedar Mountain Exploration is now Graphite One Resources |
Celsius Resources [ASX:CLA] - Focused on cobalt projects in Namibia and Western Australia |
Celtic Resources plc was acquired by Centroferve Ltd (a subsidiary of Severstal) |
Centamin plc [TSX:CEE] - Sukari gold project |
Centaurus Metals [ASX:CTM] - Emerging iron ore company in south-eastern Brazil |
Centenario Copper was acquired by Quadra FNX Mining, now KGHM International, a subdidiary of KGHM Polska Miedz S.A. |
Centenera Mining is now Latin Metals |
Centennial Mining was acquired by Kaiser Reef |
Centerra Gold [TSX:CG] - Spin-off of Cameco gold assets |
Central African Gold (was Bankers Cobalt) is now African Energy Metals |
Central Africa Mining was acquired by ENRC, now Eurasian Group |
Central Asia Gold became CGA Mining, which was acquired by B2Gold |
Central Asia Metals [LSE:CAML] - Kounrad copper operation in Kazakhstan and the Sasa zinc and lead mine in Macedonia |
Central Copper Resources Plc [private] - Democratic Republic of Congo ("DRC") and the Republic of Zambia |
Central Fund of Canada is now Sprott Physical Gold and Silver Trust - A closed-end fund that holds gold and silver bullion |
Central Iron Ore [TSX-V:CIO] - Engaged in the search for and development of iron ore and gold in Australia |
Central Sun Mining acquired by Linear Gold merged with Apollo Gold formed Brigus Gold, acquired by Primero Mining, now First Majestic Silver |
Central Timmins Exploration is now P2 Gold |
Centrex Metals [ASX:CXM] - Iron ore mining, South Australia |
Century Global Commodities Corporation (formerly Century Iron Mines Corporation) [TSX:CNT] - Iron exploration properties located in Quebec, Newfoundland, and Labrador |
Century Lithium (was Cypress Development Corporation) [TSX-V:LCE] - Clayton Valley Lithium Project in Nevada, USA |
Century Metals is now Reyna Silver |
Cerro de Pasco Resources [CSE:CDPR] - Treatment and reprocessing of all material resources, dumps, tailings and mining waste at Cerro de Pasco in Peru |
Cerro Dorado is now AURYN Mining |
Cerro Grande Mining [CSE:CEG] - Pimenton Mine, Chile. (was South American Gold and Copper) |
Cerro Resources was acquired by Primero Mining, now First Majestic Silver |
Cervantes Corporation is now Reach Resources |
Ceylon Graphite [TSX-V:CYL] - Graphite mines in Sri Lanka |
Chaarat Gold [LSE:CGH] - Developing a new gold province in the Kyrgyz Republic |
Chakana Copper [TSX-V:PERU] - Advanced High Grade Copper-Gold-Silver Exploration in the Peruvian Andes |
Chala Metals [private] - Iron and Copper Projects in Peru, South America |
Chalice Gold Mines [ASX:CHN] - Zara Project in Eritrea |
Chalice Diamond became La Ronge Gold, now Select Sands |
Chalkos Metals is now Mount Isa Minerals |
Champion Bear Resources [TSX-V:CBA] -Platinum group metals in Ontario |
Champion Electric Metals (Was Idaho Champion Mines) [CSE:THM] - Lithium projects in Quebec, Canada and cobalt projects in Idaho, United States. |
Champion Iron Mines [ASX:CIA] - Holds mineral rights located in Northwest Labrador and an option agreement in Central Newfoundland |
Champion Resources became Redback Mining, acquired by Kinross Gold |
Channel Resources was acquired by West African Resources |
Chaparral Gold was acquired by Goldrock Mines, which was acquired by Fortuna Silver Mines |
Charger Metals [ASX:CHR] - Lithium & other base metals projects in Western Australia and the Northern Territory |
Charters Towers Gold Mines is now CitiGold |
Chase Mining is now Green Critical Minerals |
Chengtun Mining Group [Shanghai:600711] - Engaged in the mining of copper, tin, tungsten, zinc, lead, gold and silver |
Chesapeake Gold [TSX-V:CKG] - Gold exploration in Mexico and Central America |
Chesser Resources [ASX:CHZ] - Gold, copper, nickel and uranium in South Australia |
Chester Mining [OTC:CHMN] - Founded in Coeur d'Alene in 1900 |
Chesterfield Resources Plc [LSE:CHF] - Minerals company exploring primarily for copper and gold in Cyprus |
Chibougamau Independent Mines [TSX-V:CBG] - Chibougamau Mining Camp - Au, Cu, Ag, Zn, Fe |
Chifeng Jilong Gold Mining [Shanghai:600988] - Owns 6 operating mines and 1 comprehensive resource recycling company in China, Southeast Asia and West Africa |
Chilean Metals (was International PBX Ventures} is now (Power Nickel [TSX-V:CMX] - Acquisition, exploration, and development of Iron Oxide Copper Gold (IOCG) projects in Chile. |
Chilwa Minerals [ASX:CHW] - Mineral sands exploration project in the eastern Zomba district in Malawi near the border of Mozambique |
Chimata Gold is now CAT Strategic Metals Corporation |
China Gold International Resources [TSX:CGG] - Operates two producing mines in China: the CSH Gold Mine in Inner Mongolia Region, and the Jiama Copper-Polymetallic Mine in Tibet Region. |
China Hanking Holdings [HK:3788] - Iron ore, nickel, and gold mining in China, Indonesia and Australia |
China Magnesium Corporation [ASX:suspended] |
China Minerals Mining is now WildSky Resources |
China Mining Resources Group is now Tongguan Gold |
China Molybdenum [HK:3993] - Luanchuan molybdenum mine, with molybdenum reserves ranked second in China |
China Natural Resources [NASDAQ:CHNR] - Zinc and irom |
China Nonferrous Gold Limited (was Kryso Resources) [LSE:CNG] - Pakrut gold project lies within the southern portion of the Tien Shan Fold Belt |
China Nonferrous Metals - Engaged in mining, processing and trading of nonferrous metals, currently lead and zinc in the PRC |
China Nonferrous Mining [HK:1258] - leading copper producer, focusing on the mining, ore processing, leaching, smelting and sale of copper, based in Zambia |
China Northern Rare Earth Group [Shanghai:600111] - |
China ShouGuan Mining Corporation [OTC:CHSO] - Controls the Cunliji Gold Mine located in Penglai city, Shandong, |
China Yunnan Copper is now Auking Mining |
Choice Gold became CopperBank, now Faraday Copper |
Christopher James Gold is now Gunpoint Explorations |
Chrometco Limited [JSE:CMO] - Concluding the sale of its chrome ore reserve to focus on other minerals opportunities |
Chugai Mining [Tokyo:1491] - Refines gold and silver |
Churchill Resources [TSX-V:CRI] - Focused on high-grade battery metal projects |
Cibolan Gold [OTC:CIBG] - Independence Project in the Battle Mountain Mining District of Nevada |
Cipher Resources became Empress Resources, then merged with Alto Ventures, now Big Ridge Gold |
Cirrus Gold is now American Copper Development Corporation |
Citadel Gold mines became Anconia Resource Corp, now Omai Gold Mines |
Citadel Resource Group was acquired by Equinox Resources, who was acquired by Barrick Gold |
Citation Resources is now MacArthur Minerals |
CitiGold [ASX:CTO] - Gold mines under Charters Towers in Queensland |
Claim Post Resources is now CPS (Canadian Premium Sand) |
Claimstaker Resources became J-Pacific Gold, then Sona Resources, now Skeena Resources |
Clan Resources was acquired by Energy Metals, became Uranium One, acquired by Rosatom State Nuclear Energy Corporation |
Clancy Exploration [ASX:CLY] - Copper-gold projects NewSouth Wales and base metal projects in Tasmania |
Clara Resources Australia [ASX:C7A] - Kildanga Nickel & Cobalt Project, Queensland |
Clarity Metals [CSE:CMET] - Focused on the acquisition, exploration & development of gold projects in North America |
Class 1 Nickel and Technologies Limited [CSE:NICO] - Alexo-Dundonald Nickel project in Timmins, Ontario, Canada |
Classic Minerals [ASX:CLZ] - Project located in the Eastern Goldfields, Murchison and Fraser Range districts of Western Australia |
Claude Resources was acquired by Silver Standard, now SSR Mining |
Clean Air Metals (was Regency Gold) [TSX-V:AIR] - Thunder Bay North and Escape Lake Platinum Group Metal Properties |
Clean Commodities is now Dixie Gold |
Clean TeQ Water [ASX:CNQ] - Provides innovative metals recovery and water treatment solutions for governments and companies. |
Clear Sky Lithium is now Power Lithium |
Cleghorn Minerals [TSX-V:CZZ] - Matachewan Prospect in Quebec. |
Cleveland Cliffs is now Cleveland Cliffs |
Cleveland Cliffs [NYSE:CLF] - Operates six iron ore mines located in Michigan, Minnesota and Eastern Canada |
Clifton Mining [OTC:CFTN] - Gold Hill silver property in western Utah |
Clifton Star Resources was acquired by First Mining Gold |
Climax Mining NL was acquired by Oceana Gold |
Cloncurry Metals became Global Resources Corporation, now Agrium |
Cloudbreak Resources is now Petro One Energy |
Cluff Mining became Ridge Mining, now Aquarius Platinum |
Cluff Gold plc became Amara Mining now Perseus Mining |
Cluff Resources Pacific became Torian Resources, now Asra Minerals |
Coast Copper (was Roughrider Exploration) [TSX-V:COCO] - Empire Mine Property located on northern Vancouver Island, B.C. |
Coastal Gold was acquired by First Mining Gold |
Cobalt 27 Capital became Conic Metals, now Nickel 28 |
Cobalt Blockchain is now Enerev5 Metals |
Cobalt Blue [ASX:COB] - Thackaringa Cobalt Project |
Cobalt Power Group [TSX-V:CPO] - Canadian cobalt exploration and development company |
Cobra Resources Plc [LSE:COBR] - Prince Alfred Copper Mine and Wudinna Project in South Australia |
Cobre Limited [ASX:CBE] - Perrinvale Copper Project in central Western Australia |
Cobre Montana is now Lithium Australia |
Coda Minerals [ASX:COD] - Elizabeth Creek Copper Project in South Australia |
Codelco World's largest copper producer |
Codrus Minerals [ASX:CDR] - Gold focused explorer with exciting projects in Western Australia and Oregon, USA. |
Coeur Mining [NYSE:CDE] - Producing gold & silver in the United States, Chile, and New Zealand |
Cogema is a subsidiary of Orano (was Areva Group) - Uranium mining and processing |
Cogitore Resources sold substantially all of its exploration properties and physical exploration assets in the provinces of Quebec and Ontario to Yorbeau Resources |
Cohiba Minerals [ASX:CHK] - Santy Well Project |
Colibri Resource Corporation [TSX-V:CBI] - Mexico |
Collective Metals (was Arctic Fox Minerals) [CSE:COMT] - Princeton Project in south-central British Columbia, Canada |
Collective Mining [TSX-V:CNL] -Gold in Colombia |
Collerina Cobalt is now Alpha HPA |
Colombia Crest Gold is now ATEX Resources |
Colombia Goldfields was acquired by Medoro Resources, became Gran Colombia Gold, then GCM Mining who merge with Aris Gold to form Aris Mining |
Colombian Mines became Newrange Gold, now Pinnacle Silver and Gold |
Colonial Resources became Papillon Resources, now B2Gold |
Colorado Resources became QuestEx Gold & Copper, acquired by Skeena Resources (March 30, 2022) |
Colossus Resources (formerly Peruviangold Mining Corp.) [TSX-V:CLUS] - Mineral exploration properties in Ontario |
Colt Resources [TSX-V:GTP] - Portugal and Canada |
Columbia Yukon Explorations is now BC Moly |
Columbus Gold is now Orea Mining |
Comaplex Minerals was acquired by Agnico Eagle |
Comet Lithium (was X-Terra Resources, previously Canadian Empire Exploration) [TSX-V:CLIC] - Liberty Project in the James Bay Region of Quebec |
Comet Resources Limited [ASX:CRL] - Developing the Ravensthorpe laterite nickel project in the south-east of Western Australia |
Cominco is now Teck Resources Limited |
Commander Resources [TSX-V:CMD] - Actively searching for precious metals, base metals and nickel deposits. Holds equity interest in Diamonds North Resources |
Commerce Resources [TSX-V:CCE] - Focus on Tantalum and Rare Metal deposits |
Commissioners Gold Limited is now Gold Mountain Limited |
Committee Bay Resources was renamed CBR Gold, then Niblack Mineral Development, acquired by Heatherdale Resources, now Blackwolf Copper and Gold |
Commonwealth Silver became Marlin Gold, then merged with Golden Reign Resources to form Mako Mining |
Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (CVRD) is now Vale |
Compass Gold [TSX-V:CVB] - Gold properties in Mali, West Africa |
Comstock [AMEX:LODE] - |
Concordia Resource Corporation became Kaizen Discovery |
Condor Gold [LSE:CNR] - Gold and silver resources in Central America |
Condor Nickel is now Inca Minerals |
Condor Resources [TSX-V:CN] - Gold and Copper in Chile |
Conduto Platinum is now Noble Metals |
Confederation Minerals became Trillium Gold Mines, acquired by Alamos Gold |
Coniagas Battery Metals [TSX-V:COS] - Graal project, Quebec, Canada |
Coniagas Resources became Lithium One, then Galaxy Resources, acquired by Orocobre, renamed Allkem |
Conic Metals is now Nickel 28 |
Conico [ASX:CNJ] - Mt Thirsty cobalt-nickel oxide deposit |
Connemara Mining Company plc is now Arkle Resources plc |
Conquest Mining merged with Catalpa Resources to form Evolution Mining |
Conquest Resources [TSX-V:CQR] - Gold mining and exploration in Canada, Central Asia and Africa |
Conroy Gold and Natural Resources [LSE:CGNR] - Clontibret (Au) Ireland |
Consolidated Abaddon Resources is now Aben Minerals |
Consolidated Golden Thunder Resources is now Los Andes Copper |
Consolidated Gold Win Ventures became Encore Renaissance Resources, now WestKam Gold |
Consolidated Gulfside Resources became Gulfside Minerals, now Arrowstar Resources |
Consolidated Lithium Metals (was Jourdan Resources) [TSX-V:CLM] - |
Consolidated Minerals was acquired by Palmary Enterprises |
Consolidated Norsemont Ventures became Norsemont Mining now, HudBay Minerals |
Consolidated Pacific Bay Minerals is now Pacific Bay Minerals |
Consolidated Puma Minerals is now B2Gold |
Consolidated Thompson Iron Mines was acquired by Cleveland Cliffs |
Consolidated Tin Mines [ASX:delisted] |
Consolidated Trillion Resources merged into Viceroy Exploration, became amana Gold which was acquired by Pan American Silver |
Consolidated Uranium (was NxGold) is now IsoEnergy |
Consolidated Woodjam Copper is now Vizsla Copper |
Consolidated Zinc is now Yari Minerals |
Constance Iron (was Koch Metals) [unlisted] - Australian based iron ore company |
Constantine Metal Resources was acquired by American Pacific Mining (November 1, 2022) |
Constellation Resources [ASX:CR1] - Orpheus Project in the Fraser Range province of Western Australia |
Contact Diamond merged into Stornoway Diamond Corporation |
Contact Gold was acquired by Orla Mining - (April 29, 2024) |
Contact Uranium became Ram Resources, then Longford Resources, now New World Resources |
Contango ORE [OTC:CTGOQ] - Exploring for gold, copper, silver, and other valuable minerals in Alaska |
Continental Gold was acquired by Zinjin |
Continental Minerals was acquire by Jinchuan Group |
Continental Nickel was acquired by IMX Resources, now Indiana Resources |
Coolabah Metals [ASX:CBH] - Projects in the Lachlan Fold Belt (NSW) and one in Mount Isa (QLD) |
Cooper Metals [ASX:CPM] - Mt Isa East Cu-Au Project |
CopAur Minerals (was International Samuel Exploration) [TSX-V:CPAU] - Williams Gold / Copper Property, British Columbia, Canada |
Copper Bullet Mines [private] - Searching for Copper in the Americas with a Focus on the Western United States |
Copper Canyon Resources was acquired by NovaGold |
Copper Creek Gold is now Surge Battery Metals |
Copper Fox Metals [TSX-V:CUU] - Schaft Creek copper-gold-molybdenum-silver property located in Northwestern British Columbia |
Copper Lake Resources [TSX-V:CPL] - Explores for copper, zinc and nickel base metals with significant precious metal credits In Northwestern Ontario. |
Copper Mountain Mining was acquired by Hudbay |
Copper North Mining (spun out from Western Copper Corporation) was acquired by Granite Creek Copper |
Copper Reef is now Voyageur Mineral Explorers |
Copper Ridge Exploration became Norris Lithium, acquired by Lithium One |
Copper Road Resources (was Stone Gold) [TSX-V:CRD] - Northwestern Ontario |
Copper Search [ASX:CUS] - Targeting world class copper-gold deposits within the Gawler Craton of South Australia. |
Copper Standard Resources (was Level 14 Ventures) [CSE:CSR] - Colpayoc gold prospect, Yanacocha gold district in Cajamarca, Peru. |
Copper Strike [ASX:CSE] - Exploration properties in Queensland , NSW and Tasmania |
CopperBank is now Faraday Copper |
CopperCo assets were acquired by Cape Lambert Resources, now Cyclone Metals |
CopperCorp [TSX:CPER] - Alpine Copper Project, Tasmania |
Coppermoly Limited [ASX:COY] - Papau New Guinea |
Coppernico Metals (was Sombrero Resources) - Copper-gold and nickel deposits in South America |
Cora Gold [LSE:CORA] - Project Areas in Mali and Senegal |
Coral Gold was acquired by Nomad Royalty, who was acquired by Sandstorm Gold Royalties |
Corazon Mining [ASX:CZN] - Lynn Lake Nickel-Copper-Cobalt Mining Centre located in Manitoba |
Cordoba Minerals [TSX-V:CDB] - Colombia. (was Wesgold Minerals) |
Corcel plc (was Regency Mines) [LSE:CRCL] - Battery metal exploration |
Core Assets [CSE:CC] - Blue Property, British Columbia which is believed to be prospective for copper, cobalt, silver and gold |
Core Exploration is now Core Lithium |
Core Gold was acquired by Titan Minerals |
Core Lithium [ASX:CXO] - Finniss Lithium Project, located near Darwin in the Northern Territory in Australia |
Core Nickel [CSE:CNCO] - Thompson Nickel Belt in Northern Manitoba, Canada |
Corex Gold is now Minera Alamos |
Corizon Limited is now EMETALS |
Corizon Resources is now CZR Resources |
Corner Bay Silver was acquired by Pan American Silver |
Cornerstone Metals became First Vanadium, now Phenom Resources |
Cornish Lithium |
Cornish Metals (was Strongbow Exploration) [TSX-V:CUSN] - South Crofty underground tin mine in Cornwall, UK |
Cornwall Resources {subsidiary of Strategic Minerals plc] - Redmoor tin-tungsten project, Cornwakk, UK |
Coro Mining is now Marimaca Copper |
Corona Gold was acquired by Oban Mining, now Osisko Mining |
Coronado Global Resources [ASX:CRN] - Metallurgical coal basins in the Bowen Basin in Queensland, Australia and the Central Appalachian region of the US |
Coronation International Mining was acquired by Orezone Resources, which was acquired by IAMGOLD |
Coronet Metals is now Meguma Gold |
Corriente Resources was acquired by Tongguan Investment (jointly-owned direct subsidiary of Tongling Nonferrous Metals Group Holdings and China Railway Construction Corporation Limited) |
Corsurex Resource is now Gold Port Corporation |
Cortez Gold merged with Starcore International Mines |
Cortus Metals is now Metalero Mining |
Corvus Gold was acquired by AngloGold Ashanti (January 18, 2022) |
Cosa Resources [CSE:COSA] - Green metsl projects in Saskatchewan. |
Cosigo Resources - Exploring for Gold in the Taraira Gold Belt, Brazil |
Cosmo Gold [ASX:CSM] - Cosmo Newbery Gold Project in Western Australia. |
Cosmos Exploration [ASX:C1X] - Gold, Copper and Nickel deposits in Australia |
Cosmo Metals [ASX:CMO] - Nickel, copper and cobalt in Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. |
Coventry Resources is now PolarX |
Cowan Lithium is now Midas Minerals |
Coziron Resources [ASX:CZR] - Iron project on Sumartra |
Cradle Resources is now Earths Energy - Geothermal energy |
Crater Gold Mining [ASX:CGN] - Exploring and developing gold and base metal deposits in Papua New Guinea [PNG] and Australia. (was Gold Anomaly Limited) |
Craton Resources NL became Basin Minerals Limited, which was acquired by Iluka Resources |
Crazy Horse Resources became Rockwealth Resources, now Strathmore Plus Energy |
Cream Minerals became Agave Silver, became First Energy Metals, now FE Battery Metals |
Creat Resources [LSE:CRHL] - Mineral properties in both Australia and overseas |
Crescent Gold is now Focus Minerals |
Crescent Resources became Coventry Resources is now PolarX |
Creso Exploration was acquired by Nichromet, now Dundee Sustainable Technologies |
Crest Resources [CSE:CRES] - Projects in Newfoundland. |
Crestview Exploration [CSE:CRS] - Rock Creek Project in the Tuscarora Mountains of northern Elko County, Nevada |
Creston Moly merged with Mercator Minerals (bankrupt), then was acquired by Starcore International Mines |
Cresval Capital is now Transforma Resources |
Crew Gold was acquired by Severstal |
Critical Elements Corporation [TSX-V:CRE] - Focused on the rare metals and rare earths, particularly tantalum |
Critical Metals Ltd - Aims to supply the European energy storage industry with metals from the Nordic region |
Critical Metals plc [LSE:CRTM] - Actively evaluating opportunities in commodities including tantalum, niobium, antimony, copper, cobalt and rare earth elements |
Critical Minerals Group [ASX:CMG] - Focus on carbon-neutral processes, including Solar, Hydrogen and Vanadium Redox Batteries |
Critical Reagent Processing (was Oz Lithium, previously Australian Goldfields) [CSE:CRPC] - Laguna Santa Maria Project, Argentina |
Critical Resources (was Force Commodities, previously (was Sovereign Gold) [ASX:CRR] - Emerging base metals company with assets in New South Wales, Australia and the Sultanate of Oman.. |
Crocodile Gold became Newmarket Gold, acquired by Kirkland Lake Gold, acquired by Agnico Eagle Mines |
Croesus Mining became Sirius Resources, now IGO |
Cross River Ventures [CSE:CRVC] - Tahsis Property, Vancouver Island, British Columbia |
Crossland Uranium Mines Limited became Crossland Strategic Metals, now Enova Mining |
Crowflight Minerals is now CaNickel Mining |
Crown Minerals is now New Zealand Petroleum & Minerals |
Crown Mining is now US Copper |
Crown Resources was acquired by Kinross Gold |
Crusader Resources became Big River Gold, acquired by Aura Minerals |
Cruz Battery Metals (was Cruz Cobalt) [CSE:CRUZ] - High grade cobalt prospects in North America |
Crystal Exploration is now Benchmark Metals |
Crystal Lake Mining is now Enduro Metals |
Crystallex International - Operations in Uruguay, Venezuela, Brazil and Canada |
Cue Resources was acquired by Uranium Energy Corp |
CuFe (was Fe Limited) [ASX:CUF] - Various projects and tenements prospective for iron ore, battery metals, copper and gold, all located in Australia. |
Culico Metals [TSX-V:CLCO] - |
Cullen Resources NL [ASX:CUL] - Exploration at the Tick Hill (N.W. Queensland) and De Courcy (Ashburton, WA) gold projects |
Cullinan Metals [CSE:CMT] - Borba 2 project in Portugal |
Culpeo Minerals [ASX:CPO] - High-Grade Copper Belts of the Atacama Desert, Chile |
Cumberland Resources was acquired by Agnico Eagle |
Cupric Canyon Capital - Khoemacau Copper Project, Botswana was acquired by MMG |
Curis Resources was acquired by Taseko Mines |
Curnamona Energy was acquired by Havilah Resources |
Currie Rose Resources is now Velox Energy Materials |
Cusac Gold merged into Hawthorne Gold, became China Minerals Mining, now WildSky Resources |
Cyclone Metals (was Cape Lambert Resources) [ASX:CLE] - Interests in several exploration and mining companies, providing exposure to cobalt, lithium, iron ore, uranium, copper and base metal assets in Australia, Europe, Africa and South America |
Cygnus Metals [ASX:CY5] - Gold deposits within the Southwest Terrane, in the Wheatbelt region of Western Australia |
Cypress Development Corporation is now Century Lithium |
Cyprium Metals (was Arc Exploration) [ASX:CYM] - Australian copper projects |
Cyprus Amax Minerals was acquired by Phelps Dodge, which was acquired by Freeport McMoRan Copper & Gold |
GOLDSHEET Mining Directory - Companies C | |||
Companies | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q-R | S | T | U-V | W-Z | ||
Sectors | Australia | Diamonds | London listed | Mutual Funds | South Africa | Uranium | ||
Metals | Aluminum | Cobalt | Copper | Iron | Moly | Nickel | Lead | PGMs | Silver | Tin | Zinc | ||
Info | History | Mutual Funds | Obsolete | Organizations | Prospecting | Publications | Quotes | Services | ||
COINSHEET | Index | A-B | C | D-G | H-L | M-N | O-Q | R-S | T-Z | Banks/Mints | State Quarters | | ||
OILSHEET | Index | A-B | C-D | E-F | G-K | L-N | O-P | Q-S | T-Z | Assoc/Govt | ||
Comments | Host: 1&1 IONOS | COPYRIGHT 1995-2024 | Updated 21 October 2024 |
GOLDSHEET Mining Directory | COINSHEET Numismatic Directory | OILSHEET Energy Directory |