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Current Issue
GOLD/COIN/OIL-SHEET NEWS                         February 7, 2025
12/31/24    YTD             Last Week This Week    Change Percent
 2516.50    4.9% Aluminum     2598.00   2639.50     41.50    1.6%
 8706.00    6.7% Copper       8949.50   9288.00    338.50    3.8%
 1921.50    3.1% Lead         1920.00   1981.00     61.00    3.2%
15100.00    3.1% Nickel      15040.00  15575.00    535.00    3.6%
28900.00    7.6% Tin         29885.00  31110.00   1225.00    4.1%
 2974.00   -5.3% Zinc         2711.00   2816.00    105.00    3.9%
 2624.20    9.0% Gold         2797.94   2861.20     63.26    2.3%
  903.56    8.0% Palladium    1067.21    975.68    -91.53   -8.6%
  896.20   11.5% Platinum     1032.04    998.85    -33.19   -3.2%
   28.90   10.1% Silver         31.32     31.81      0.48    1.5%
   90.80   -0.9% AU/AG Ratio    89.32     89.95      0.63    0.7%
  275.58   18.8% HUI Index     312.70    327.29     14.59    4.7%
  137.18   17.4% XAU Index     153.99    161.02      7.02    4.6%
  108.48   -0.4% US Dollar     108.50    108.10     -0.41   -0.4%
   71.87   -1.1% Crude Oil      73.81     71.06     -2.75   -3.7%
    2.32    3.8% Heating Oil     2.43      2.41     -0.03   -1.2%
    3.63   -8.8% Natural Gas     3.07      3.31      0.24    7.8%
    2.01    2.9% Gasoline        2.08      2.07     -0.01   -0.4%
  643.24    3.2% XNG Index     664.08    664.00     -0.07   -0.0%
 1763.55    3.9% XOI Index    1816.10   1831.76     15.66    0.9%
   72.60   -0.9% OSX Index      72.56     71.93     -0.63   -0.9%

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January 31, 2025
GOLD/COIN/OIL-SHEET NEWS                         January 31, 2025
12/31/24    YTD             Last Week This Week    Change Percent
 2516.50    3.2% Aluminum     2640.00   2598.00    -42.00   -1.6%
 8706.00    2.8% Copper       9128.00   8949.50   -178.50   -2.0%
 1921.50   -0.1% Lead         1926.00   1920.00     -6.00   -0.3%
15100.00   -0.4% Nickel      15470.00  15040.00   -430.00   -2.8%
28900.00    3.4% Tin         30125.00  29885.00   -240.00   -0.8%
 2974.00   -8.8% Zinc         2821.50   2711.00   -110.50   -3.9%
 2624.20    6.6% Gold         2770.80   2797.94     27.14    1.0%
  903.56   18.1% Palladium    1003.20   1067.21     64.01    6.4%
  896.20   15.2% Platinum      958.89   1032.04     73.15    7.6%
   28.90    8.4% Silver         30.60     31.32      0.73    2.4%
   90.80   -1.6% AU/AG Ratio    90.55     89.32     -1.23   -1.4%
  275.58   13.5% HUI Index     305.86    312.70      6.84    2.2%
  137.18   12.3% XAU Index     150.89    153.99      3.10    2.1%
  108.48    0.0% US Dollar     107.47    108.50      1.04    1.0%
   71.87    2.7% Crude Oil      74.60     73.81     -0.79   -1.1%
    2.32    5.0% Heating Oil     2.44      2.43     -0.01   -0.3%
    3.63  -15.4% Natural Gas     4.01      3.07     -0.94  -23.4%
    2.01    3.3% Gasoline        2.08      2.08      0.00    0.2%
  643.24    3.2% XNG Index     687.05    664.08    -22.98   -3.3%
 1763.55    3.0% XOI Index    1880.80   1816.10    -64.70   -3.4%
   72.60   -0.1% OSX Index      75.79     72.56     -3.23   -4.3%

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January 24, 2025
GOLD/COIN/OIL-SHEET NEWS                         January 24, 2025
12/31/24    YTD             Last Week This Week    Change Percent
 2516.50    4.9% Aluminum     2658.50   2640.00    -18.50   -0.7%
 8706.00    4.8% Copper       9132.00   9128.00     -4.00   -0.0%
 1921.50    0.2% Lead         1936.00   1926.00    -10.00   -0.5%
15100.00    2.5% Nickel      15840.00  15470.00   -370.00   -2.3%
28900.00    4.2% Tin         29400.00  30125.00    725.00    2.5%
 2974.00   -5.1% Zinc         2884.00   2821.50    -62.50   -2.2%
 2624.20    5.6% Gold         2703.10   2770.80     67.70    2.5%
  903.56   11.0% Palladium     961.50   1003.20     41.71    4.3%
  896.20    7.0% Platinum      952.28    958.89      6.60    0.7%
   28.90    5.9% Silver         30.36     30.60      0.24    0.8%
   90.80   -0.3% AU/AG Ratio    89.05     90.55      1.51    1.7%
  275.58   11.0% HUI Index     296.67    305.86      9.20    3.1%
  137.18   10.0% XAU Index     147.04    150.89      3.85    2.6%
  108.48   -0.9% US Dollar     109.41    107.47     -1.94   -1.8%
   71.87    3.8% Crude Oil      77.37     74.60     -2.77   -3.6%
    2.32    5.3% Heating Oil     2.56      2.44     -0.12   -4.8%
    3.63   10.4% Natural Gas     3.92      4.01      0.09    2.4%
    2.01    3.1% Gasoline        2.15      2.08     -0.07   -3.4%
  643.24    6.8% XNG Index     700.14    687.05    -13.08   -1.9%
 1763.55    6.6% XOI Index    1930.22   1880.80    -49.42   -2.6%
   72.60    4.4% OSX Index      78.57     75.79     -2.78   -3.5%

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January 17, 2025
GOLD/COIN/OIL-SHEET NEWS                         January 17, 2025
12/31/24    YTD             Last Week This Week    Change Percent
 2516.50    5.6% Aluminum     2475.00   2658.50    183.50    7.4%
 8706.00    4.9% Copper       8701.00   9132.00    431.00    5.0%
 1921.50    0.8% Lead         1898.00   1936.00     38.00    2.0%
15100.00    4.9% Nickel      14770.00  15840.00   1070.00    7.2%
28900.00    1.7% Tin         28625.00  29400.00    775.00    2.7%
 2974.00   -3.0% Zinc         2864.50   2884.00     19.50    0.7%
 2624.20    3.0% Gold         2639.70   2703.10     63.40    2.4%
  903.56    6.4% Palladium     918.89    961.50     42.60    4.6%
  896.20    6.3% Platinum      932.11    952.28     20.17    2.2%
   28.90    5.0% Silver         29.62     30.36      0.74    2.5%
   90.80   -1.9% AU/AG Ratio    89.13     89.05     -0.08   -0.1%
  275.58    7.7% HUI Index     284.73    296.67     11.94    4.2%
  137.18    7.2% XAU Index     141.47    147.04      5.57    3.9%
  108.48    0.9% US Dollar     108.92    109.41      0.48    0.4%
   71.87    7.7% Crude Oil      74.07     77.37      3.30    4.5%
    2.32   10.6% Heating Oil     2.35      2.56      0.21    8.9%
    3.63    7.8% Natural Gas     3.37      3.92      0.55   16.3%
    2.01    6.7% Gasoline        2.05      2.15      0.10    4.7%
  643.24    8.8% XNG Index     654.15    700.14     45.98    7.0%
 1763.55    9.5% XOI Index    1808.28   1930.22    121.94    6.7%
   72.60    8.2% OSX Index      74.74     78.57      3.83    5.1%

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-----------------------------------------------------------------       Baker Tubulars
January 10, 2025
GOLD/COIN/OIL-SHEET NEWS                         January 10, 2025
12/31/24    YTD             Last Week This Week    Change Percent
 2516.50    1.7% Aluminum     2475.00   2560.50     85.50    3.5%
 8706.00    3.3% Copper       8701.00   8995.50    294.50    3.4%
 1921.50    1.4% Lead         1898.00   1949.00     51.00    2.7%
15100.00    2.0% Nickel      14770.00  15400.00    630.00    4.3%
28900.00    3.2% Tin         28625.00  29825.00   1200.00    4.2%
 2974.00   -4.0% Zinc         2864.50   2856.50     -8.00   -0.3%
 2624.20    2.5% Gold         2639.70   2689.30     49.60    1.9%
  903.56    6.5% Palladium     918.89    962.09     43.19    4.7%
  896.20    9.2% Platinum      932.11    978.42     46.31    5.0%
   28.90    5.2% Silver         29.62     30.41      0.79    2.7%
   90.80   -2.6% AU/AG Ratio    89.13     88.44     -0.69   -0.8%
  275.58    6.5% HUI Index     284.73    293.55      8.82    3.1%
  137.18    5.9% XAU Index     141.47    145.32      3.85    2.7%
  108.48    1.1% US Dollar     108.92    109.64      0.72    0.7%
   71.87    6.5% Crude Oil      74.07     76.57      2.50    3.4%
    2.32    7.9% Heating Oil     2.35      2.50      0.15    6.2%
    3.63    9.6% Natural Gas     3.37      3.98      0.61   18.2%
    2.01    1.2% Gasoline        2.05      2.04     -0.01   -0.7%
  643.24    2.6% XNG Index     654.15    660.28      6.13    0.9%
 1763.55    4.5% XOI Index    1808.28   1843.00     34.72    1.9%
   72.60    1.4% OSX Index      74.74     73.63     -1.11   -1.5%
New GOLDSHEET Sites       
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New OILSHEET Sites        
January 3, 2025
GOLD/COIN/OIL-SHEET NEWS                          January 3, 2025
12/31/24    YTD             Last Week This Week    Change Percent
 2516.50   -1.6% Aluminum     2513.00   2475.00    -38.00   -1.5%
 8706.00   -0.1% Copper       8843.00   8701.00   -142.00   -1.6%
 1921.50   -1.2% Lead         1944.00   1898.00    -46.00   -2.4%
15100.00   -2.2% Nickel      15085.00  14770.00   -315.00   -2.1%
28900.00   -1.0% Tin         28700.00  28625.00    -75.00   -0.3%
 2974.00   -3.7% Zinc         2995.00   2864.50   -130.50   -4.4%
 2624.20    0.6% Gold         2622.00   2639.70     17.70    0.7%
  903.56    1.7% Palladium     908.56    918.89     10.33    1.1%
  896.20    4.0% Platinum      951.07    932.11    -18.96   -2.0%
   28.90    2.5% Silver         29.39     29.62      0.23    0.8%
   90.80   -1.8% AU/AG Ratio    89.22     89.13     -0.09   -0.1%
  275.58    3.3% HUI Index     278.61    284.73      6.12    2.2%
  137.18    3.1% XAU Index     138.82    141.47      2.65    1.9%
  108.48    0.4% US Dollar     108.01    108.92      0.92    0.8%
   71.87    3.1% Crude Oil      70.26     74.07      3.81    5.4%
    2.32    1.5% Heating Oil     2.24      2.35      0.11    5.0%
    3.63   -7.3% Natural Gas     3.41      3.37     -0.04   -1.2%
    2.01    1.9% Gasoline        1.96      2.05      0.09    4.6%
  643.24    1.7% XNG Index     633.32    654.15     20.83    3.3%
 1763.55    2.5% XOI Index    1729.20   1808.28     79.09    4.6%
   72.60    2.9% OSX Index      70.54     74.74      4.21    6.0%

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                 12/29/23   12/31/24    Change       YTD
Aluminum        2,335.50   2,516.50     181.00       7.7%
Cobalt         28,210.00  23,800.00  (4,410.00)    -15.6%
Copper          8,476.00   8,706.00     230.00       2.7%
Lead            2,031.00   1,921.50    (109.50)     -5.4%
Nickel         16,300.00  15,100.00  (1,200.00)     -7.4%
Tin            25,175.00  28,900.00   3,725.00      14.8%
Zinc            2,640.50   2,974.00     333.50      12.6%
Gold            2,062.97   2,624.20     561.23      27.2%
Palladium       1,100.95     903.56    (197.39)    -17.9%
Platinum          994.20     896.20     (98.00)     -9.9%
Silver             23.79      28.90       5.11      21.5%
AU/AG Ratio        86.72      90.80       4.08       4.7%
HUI Index         243.31     275.58      32.27      13.3%
XAU Index         125.69     137.18      11.49       9.1%
US Dollar         101.38     108.48       7.10       7.0%
Crude Oil          71.35      71.87       0.52       0.7%
Heating Oil         2.55       2.32      (0.24)     -9.2%
Natural Gas         2.50       3.63       1.14      45.5%
Gasoline            2.11       2.01      (0.10)     -4.8%
XNG Index         551.92     643.24      91.32      16.5%
XOI Index       1,862.47   1,763.55     (98.92)     -5.3%
OSX Index          83.88      72.60     (11.28)    -13.4%
2025 2024 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012
2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998